Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday October 31, 2016

Blog time: 1920

It was a cold clear morning, 36. Put on the lined jeans and my Costco down jacket and headed out. The leaves keep falling and within a week I predict the trees will be bare.

I was greeted at the Y by a staff dressed in Halloween costumes. The Y has really trained their staff to be very people oriented. I appreciate it.

Lately I been starting my blog at Panera. Today was no exception.

Please no more election news. I am so turned off by both Clinton and Trump. Tomorrow I will fill out my absentee ballot. I have not yet decided who will get my Presidential vote.

At home took Ms P on her walk and then a quick lunch.

Nancy had an early afternoon Doctors appointment. As soon as she got home we got in the Escape and headed to Lake Michigan Credit Union. We needed to get an update on our accounts.

Nancy bought a Sam's Club membership on Groupon. We picked up our new membership cards and then walked around. They had some items more reasonably priced than at Costco. I bought a brick of Pinconning cheese. Pinconning is a small town in Bay County. It is located on old US 23. Folks from Alpena always stopped at the cheese shop on their way north. Great cheese.

Nancy liked Sam's Club eggs because they are not cage free.

Nap and then spent some time cleaning up my desk.

Light dinner and watched the news. We are now watching Ms Fisher on Netflix.

It is now 2030 and we have not had one trick or treaters. When we lived on Mackinaw we could expect around 200. Our first Halloween on Mackinaw, 1973, was memorable because it was a beautiful warm fall evening. I took the girls and we were impressed with all our friendly neighbors. They kept running into all their new classmates at Ottawa Elementary. Good memories.

Halloween was not a big event in my hometown, Alpena. I remember strapping on my cap guns and going as a cowboy. Another time I dressed as Captain Marvel, my favorite comic book character. When we reached seventh grade trick or treating was discouraged. Only sissies dressed up.

Sunday October 30, 2016

Weekend update, written 1100 Monday sitting in Panera drinking coffee.

Saturday Oct 29, we head out in the dark, 0800, for our Saturday walk to Panera. We had our standard Sat breakfast. Surprised that Panera was not busy. I thought folks going to the MSU/UM game would stop by for coffee and a bagel before heading out to E. Lansing. The game starts early, noon. Go Blue!

At home I put on the bike clothes and headed out on a 15 mile. Took the dog for a walk and then we head out to run several errands. Nancy drove the Escape for the first time.

First stop was Meijer's. We bought grapes. This year we have been getting the biggest, sweet green and red grapes.

Next we stopped at Home Depot to look at their selection of artificial Christmas trees. We did not buy one.

Did watch some of the football game. Glad to see UM win.

Quiet evening at home. Nancy fixed fried eggs sandwiches for dinner.

Debbie face timed us and we caught up. Debbie also showed us how to get Acorn back on line.

Sunday October 30: up at 0650 and get ready for our Sunday swim. It was sprinkling when we left home. My swim was cut short because on the fourth lap I was doing the backstroke and ran my head into the wall. It started to bleed so I cut short the swim. Am I a klutz or what?

Quick stop at Meijer's for milk and yogurt. Bowl of cereal for breakfast and then we headed out to Trinity Lutheran for church. The church was crowded because of Confirmation. All our kids when HS Freshman went through the same ceremony.

At home took Ms P on a long walk and then a quick nap.

Finished the afternoon with a three mile walk.

Nancy fixed a Hamburg for dinner. We watched 60 Minutes and then a show on Acorn. We got Acorn back online by just unplugging it for several minutes and then plugging it back in. Sometimes simple is good.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday October 28, 2016

Blog time: 1945 Saturday the 29th

Friday a very busy day for Bob and Nancy.

No Y today. Did the calisthenics at home including a 10 minute row.

Showered, dressed and drove to Panera for a quick coffee and chance to read news.

Today we are attending Ed Namey funeral. It starts at 1100.

The funeral was well attended. I think Ed would have liked the comments by his sons.

Lunch followed the service. The funeral and lunch were held at the funeral home.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to the Namey's to meet with family. We enjoyed chatting with Ed and Mary's family.

Interesting fact Mary Namey's sister is married to the son of my high school classmate, Denny Bowen.

At home took Ms P for a walk and then a nap.

We met the Moleski's at the Bull's Head Restaurant for dinner. After dinner we attended a Grand Rapids Symphony concert. Nancy enjoyed the concert.

The temp was in the low 60s when we went to bed. Tomorrow is suppose to be an unseasonably warm day.

Thursday October 27, 2016

Blog time: Sitting in Panera drinking coffee and eating a banana. Rain stopped early this morning.

It is a dark gloomy day. Temp 39 when I left home. I wore five upper body layers and lined jeans, perfect for early morning bike ride.

Why do folks run on the Y's treadmills when they have a great indoor running track? The Y has every fitness machine made but no chin-up bar.

Busy day ahead for Bob and Nancy. We will runs some errands early this afternoon. I will do a load of laundry. At 1800 we are attending a showing for Ed Namey. Nancy and I still can't believe the suddenness of Ed's passing.

Since I gave up my mini for a regular size iPad I have been writing this blog on Pages and then paste it to the blog. I had some trouble getting the hang of the digital keyboard but after several weeks practice I find that I really like it. Pages is great software.

Break time while l read some papers.

Actually not much news today. Spent some time talking with an old Navy Seabee. He spent a year in VN.

At home Nancy and I headed to Meijer's. She bought some veggies for a vegetable plate she is making for the Namey family.

Lunch and then delivered the food to the Namey's.

Took Ms P on a long walk. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

1800, we headed out to the funeral home to meet the Namey family and offer our condolences.

After, we stopped at Panera for a bowl of soup.

Read the GRP and watched a stupid lawyer show on Netflix.

Now 1000 and we are heading to bed.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday October 26, 2016

It is now 0942 and I am sitting at the Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

Breakfast Club this morning, up at 0550 and hustle to get ready. We lucked out last night because we were told that the power company would turn off power at 0200 for several hours. Never happened.

Hit the freeway at 0630 and traffic was bumper to bumper.

Good turnout at BC this morning. Speaker was CEO of the Zoo and he talked about upcoming ballot proposal for more millage for Zoo operations. He made a great case for a yes vote. I sure will vote Yes.

Drove to Woodland, walked a mile and now enjoying a coffee. Waiting for J Crew to open. Want to buy a pair of flannel lined khaki pants.

It is raining and the rain is suppose to last all day. Will head to the Y after coffee.

Syria and Russia continues the slaughtering in Aleppo. NATO sits on their hands. Criminal!

Philippines President continues to stick his finger in the USA's eye. Not much we can do.

J Crew had lined khaki pants but legs too narrow. Old men don't wear slim trousers.

The Y allows strollers on their indoor running track. Today I counted four. I think it is a good idea.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. The rain kept attendance down.

I took my favorite raincoat to the tailor this afternoon. They are replacing the zipper.

Put my first tank of gas in the Escape. Took 9 gallons.

Short nap and then started on project to reattach door below sink. Nancy had to give me a hand. Took an hour but finally got it to work.

Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk. It was raining harder than I thought when started. Got very wet.

Light dinner, watched news, ordered flowers for Ed Namey funeral.

We started watching a good show on Acorn. I had trouble understanding the British brogue so I paused the show and tried to get Closed Captions but failed. Lost the Acorn network. Must reload tomorrow.

We watched an episode of Blacklist on Netflix. It is now 2145 and I am watching the Series. Go Cubs!

Rain will continue all night. Low temp high 30s.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday October 25, 2016

1100: sitting in Panera.

It was pitch black and 32 at 0630. Sunrise today at 0810 so I had time to spare. I did all the calisthenics at home. It was cold enough for me to put on my lined jeans.

Left home at 0830 in bright sunshine. This time of day the sun is so low in the sky that biking east is difficult. Luckily most of my 7.5 mile ride is traveling west.

Did my mile run at the Y and some chin-ups before heading to Panera.

Morning business shows still are divided on the AT&T sale. I am against it. Good news for MI, GM had a gang buster quarter. Business folks are wondering if they will regain a business friendly Republican Party after the election.

Stay tuned!

I'm back @ 2030:

At home I took Ms P on her walk. Great sunny fall day, we love our walks.

Lunch and then ran some errands. A door under our sink has been falling off. I think I have a fix so I headed to Ace Hardware and bought the fix, I hope. Will install tomorrow.

Next stop was Bed, Bath and Beyond. Since I have been using my breathing machine I sleep on my back. I have been getting neck pain. I blame the pain on my pillow. I bought a My Pillow. Yes the same pillow as seen in the dorky ad on TV.

Took a short nap using my new pillow. It seems to work.

Nancy fixed breaded chicken thighs with new potatoes and Lima beans for dinner. It was great.

Finished my daily activities with a walk around the block.

Tonight we watched NCIS and now are watching Bull.

Tonight we will lose power for two hours. My alarm won't work so I set the alarm on the iPhone. Breakfast Club tomorrow morning.

Sad news today. Mary Namey notified Nancy this afternoon and said that Ed Namey passed last night. Ed was a great friend. We both graduated from UM Engineering in January 1961 and had many interests in common. Nancy and I took several trips with Ed and Mary including National Parks in Utah, a Russian River cruise and tour of NYC. They were great traveling companions. Rest In Peace Ed.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday October 24, 2016

Blog time, 1100 sitting in Panera and reflecting.

The ghost of Bobby Lane has risen in the person of Matt Stafford. Stafford yesterday marched the Lions down the field with less than 2' to go. Lions scored and won just like Bobby Lane would do in the 50s. Did you know Lane and Stafford went to the same high school?

Cubs vs Indians what a great series!

Late start today because the sun not up until 0810. Temp in low 40s. Wore my knickers but don't know how long this will last. I need mittens to keep hands warm.

Lawn care folks are busy picking up leaves.

In the 40s and 50s in the big city of Alpena folks would rake their leaves into the gutter and the City would pick them up. You could even burn the leaves. The kids would ride their bikes to school. A big sport was to ride your bike through the pile of leaves in the gutter. Crotchety Mr Bentrad would yell at us for scattering his leaves. One day unbeknownst to us he covered a concrete block in the pile. Tommy Collins hit the block and went over his handlebars. Luckily Tommy was not hurt. We did not ride through his leaf pile again.

Break time I have to read today's news.

Return to blog: 1920

Today's news was not happy. The battles for Aleppo and Mosul continues. The President of the Philippines continues to bad mouth the USA. The Presidential race seems to favor Clinton and Trump's attacks get more weird and desperate.

As soon as I get home we get in the Escape and head to Costco. I needed a new supply of fiber. In fact that is all we purchased. Nancy heard D&W had a sale on raspberries. We stopped at the Cascade store. No luck.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on a walk.

Nancy had a Doctor's appointment this afternoon.

I ran some errands this afternoon. At Fox Ford I purchased a mat for the Escape's rear deck. Stopped at Gazelle Sport to see if they had any mittens. No luck.

Final stop was Home Depot to look at their selection of artificial Christmas trees. They had a large selection. Nancy and I will visit later this week.

Took a quick nap. Light dinner and then a walk around the block.

We get free Showtime for the next 30 days. We are now watching Forsaken, a western.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday October 23, 2016

Blog time: 1923

Up at 0700, left for Y at 0745.

Nancy and I were first in pool but two minutes later every lane is occupied. Good timing!

Stopped Meijer's for weekly supplies.

Dropped off groceries, changed clothes and then headed to Trinity Lutheran for 1115 service.

With all the nastiness in the US we could all use some spiritual love.

Took Ms P on nature walk. Counted 82 Geese in our backyard pond.

I hope Trump, if elected, will deport all Canadian geese back to Canada. They are the original dirty bird.

It was such a nice fall day that we headed to Meijer's Garden for a walk.

The place was crowded. The colors were spectacular, especially the chrysanthemums.

We spent 70 minutes walking.

Took a nap and then a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed soup and pizza for dinner.

We are now watching 60 Minutes.

Will finish the evening watching Netflix/Acorn.

Saturday October 22, 2016

Blog time: 1650

We walked to Panera in the dark this morning. It was cool but we could see the sun coming up.

Nancy had a toasted bagel and I had my oatmeal, sourdough toast and banana. Panera was not very crowded.

At home I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a 14 mile ride. Perfect fall day for a bike ride.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She loves the fall weather.

I scanned the papers. I wonder if we will ever be able to control hacking.

Don't think AT & T should be able to buy Time-Warner. Bigness is bad.

We are saturated with Presidential news but hardly a word on our local elections.

Nancy did the laundry today. I spent some time ironing khakis.

Took a nap and then we got in the Escape and headed to Vitale's for dinner. I had their spaghetti with meatballs and Nancy had a Pizza. They had about 10 TV's showing the Mich game.

Dropped Nancy off and got in the Taurus and head to the gas station. The Taurus took 15 gallons. Gas was $2.16 a gallon.

Debbie face timed us tonight. We spent about an hour catching up.

It is now 2100 and we are watching Poirot on Netflix. Not a big fan of sissy Poirot.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday October 21, 2016

Blog time: 1718

Looked at the clock and it said 0615 so I laid back down for another 15' of shuteye. I woke up an hour later.

Cooler this morning, 39, put layers on the upper body but still wore my knickers. I was comfortable on my ride to the Y.

I have been impressed with the way Mary Free Bed and the Y have offered programs for the mentally and physically challenged. They have a large number of participants.

Got to Panera late this morning but did find a place to sit. The place was near capacity at noon.

Read the news but I thought it was a repeat of yesterday.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She likes the cooler weather.

Quick lunch and then we all got in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Lowe's. Bought light bulbs and two bags of mulch.

Next stop Big Lots to look at small Christmas trees, artificial of course. Their trees were more costly than Lowe's. I will go back to Lowe's next week and buy one.

At home I spread the mulch around a big tree in the front yard. Also programmed the car's radio. Tried to get the Escape's on line garage door opener to work but to no avail.

Will have a light dinner and then at 1830 we will head to the GR Art Museum for a show.

Thursday October 20, 2016

Blog time: 1745

Fall weather is back. The temp was in low 50s when I headed out. Sunrise was 0803.

I did my routine at the Y before biking to Panera.

The battle for Mosul dominates the world news.

Who would have thought it, but passive investing is in and active investing such as Mutual funds and having an advisor pick individual stocks is out. Index funds perform better than the experts. Good to see that hot shot Hedge Funds are struggling. Their fees of 2 and 20 were much too high.

Gee! Saudi Arabia is having money problems! Couldn't happen to nicer guys. They are borrowing money just like the rest of the world. Fracking in the USA is the game changer. We are becoming more energy independent.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk, had lunch.

Kim comes to clean tomorrow so I walked to Macatawa to get some money.

Nancy fixed pork chops for dinner. Also had boiled potatoes and a great salad.

We are watching a show on Acorn. Paused it so Nancy can talk to her friend Kathy.

Hope the Cubs win tonight. I want an Indians/Cubs World Series.

Might get down to high 30s tonight. I like Fall weather.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wednesday October 19, 2016

Blog time: 1700

0630 appears to be my new wake up time.

Temperature this morning was in low 50s. Too dark to ride bike so I did calisthenics at home at 50%. Also rowed for 10 minutes. Rowing gets my average heart rate up to 130.

Today is easy Wednesday. Biked to Panera for oatmeal and chance to read papers. Actually I do not read a paper but read digital news. Nothing in the news that I want to comment on.

After breakfast I took a 14 mile bike ride. The leaves on the trail make it difficult to see potholes. This morning I hit several. Ouch!

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

I did a load of laundry. Took the deck chairs down to the basement and put the winter cover on the glider and deck table. Yes it is that time of year.

At 1430 I picked up Ms P from the groomer. She looks great.

At home we took a 1.5 mile walk followed by a short nap.

I am now sitting in my office finishing this blog. I think I will end the afternoon with a short nap.

Today I took the new Escape to pick up Ms P. I like the blind spot warning device and other safety features.

I haven't decided yet if I will watch the final debate.

At 0800 we watched a Marvel comic show on Netflix.

We watched the first hour of the debate. They were fairly civil. I guess at the end Trump came unglued.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Tuesday October 18, 2016

Blog time: 2200

I will be glad when Daylight Saving Time ends. This sunrise at 0800 is for the birds.

It was a warm 71 when I left home this morning. Also had a very strong west wind.

The high winds and recent rains are accelerating the loss of leaves. An upside to bare trees is the ability to see further off the road. I see thing not visible during full foliage.

The Y was not busy today. Beautiful facility but not busy? Overcapacity?

Panera has been open about nine months. Business appears to be increasing every month.

The battle for Mosul dominates the news.

Why can't NATO put a stop to Syria and Russian bombing of Aleppo.

Left Panera early because I have a 1300 appointment with my dermatologist. I did have time to take Ms P on a quick walk.

Dr Yurko looked me over, froze several spots and told me to come back in six months. I like her.

Nancy and I were at Fox Ford at 1500 to pick up our new Ford Escape. Fox Ford's company geek spent an hour with us explaining all the electronic gear.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Noto's for the monthly get together of our condo association. We enjoy these gatherings.

The temperature has dropped 20 degrees. Low temp tonight will be 50.

Just took Ms P out and saw a bright full moon.

A neighbor told me that we have a coyote in the area. I keep looking but have not seen it.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday October 17, 2016

Blog time: 2015

Very busy day for Bob and Nancy.

Nancy headed out to MVP and after her class she has a dentist appointment.

I was ready to head out at 0750 but the sun does not come up until 0800. Turned on my bike lights and headed out. It was unseasonably warm. Lost a lot of leaves with yesterdays storm.

Normal routine at the Y and then on to Panera.

The Presidential election is so nasty I don't read any article about it. Trump has imploded.

Nancy and I arrived home at same time. She has to have more dental work done.

Took Ms P on a 1.75 mile walk before lunch.

We headed to Costco for some supplies. Most important purchase was peanut butter.

Had a quick lunch and then headed out to Fox Ford.

I have been looking at a Ford Escape. I like the Titanium model. Fox had a Escape in stock that met my requirements. They looked at the Cobalt and gave me a good price. I bought the car. Yes folks we are now a Ford family.

Nancy's foot Doctor gave her a shot. Nancy does not think the shots help relieve her foot pain.

We all finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Light dinner and then we watched the news. It is now 2100 and I am watching the Jets/Cardinals game.

Sunday October 16, 2016

Weekend Update: Blog time 1915 Monday

Saturday: Set the alarm for 0600. Today we are going to a family get together at my sister, Helen's home in Gaylord. Stopped at Panera for coffee and bagels. Hit the freeway at 0700.

Beautiful day for a drive north. The colors were great. Arrived in Gaylord at 1100.

The purpose of the meeting was to share family memorabilia and photos. Helen was downsizing and wanted to give away family memorabilia she had in her basement. Most of the stuff was from my Dad's basement in Alpena.

Attending were my cousins from Alpena, Judy and Gail and their husbands Harry and Ron. Judy and Gale are my Uncle Jim Scott's daughters. Cousin Dale Scott from Harbor Springs also attended. Dale is my Uncle Bill Scott's son.

I did get some interesting items from Helen. Dale Scott did not have many photos of his Mom so we gave him several good ones. I also showed Dale how to access the My Heritage Scott family tree. Judy and Gale looked over the photos but did not take any.

Helen served a great lunch. Many thanks to Helen and Don for hosting this event.

We took Ms P with us and encountered no problems.

We got home about 1930. Nearly 400 miles on the Taurus but a great day.

Sunday October 16, heavy rain all night. We were going swimming but since the pool is closed during electrical storms we stayed home.

I did some calisthenics and rowed, then showered and had a light breakfast. We headed to Meijer's for supplies.

Rain stopped about 1100 so I took Ms P on her daily walk. Took short nap.

At 1530 we headed out to the Moleski's for dinner. Tim Mask was also in attendance. Linda and Tom fixed a great meal.

Temperatures today and tomorrow will be above average. High temp of 75 expected for tomorrow.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday October 14, 2016

Blog time: 1925

Coldest morning of the fall so I bundled up, put on the mittens and headed out. Despite the cold I pedaled into a bright sun.

Calisthenics and run at the Y. Showered and headed straight home. No Panera today.

Today Ed Namey and I are having lunch at Panera and then heading downtown to the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum.

I was surprised that Panera was not very crowded for lunch. We both had their soup.

The Ford Museum was recently renovated. Ed and I enjoyed our visit.

At home I took Ms P on her walk. I followed the walk with a nap.

Tomorrow Nancy and I are going to Gaylord. My sister, Helen, is hosting a get together with several cousins. We are going to share Scott family photos and memorabilia. I loaded the car up with all my Scott family files. Ms P is going with us.

Just downloaded the Scott family tree to my iPad. I can go back to 1560, 14 generations.

Thursday October 13, 2016

Blog time: 2028

Up at 0630 and got ready for a busy day. Mid 40s this morning so I dressed for the cold except for hands. Tomorrow I get out the mitts.

Today I did all the routines at 80% because I have an early lunch. Spent only 30 minutes at Panera. As soon as I got home I dressed and headed to the airport.

I met my old McKay Tower landlord and fellow Naval officer, Lynn Francis. Lynn introduced me to Dan Batches a old Navy CB. We flew down to Plainwell and had lunch at the "Fly Inn". We spent lunch talking Vietnam. Pleasant flight back to Grand Rapids.

At home took Ms P on her walk. Took a nap and then Nancy and I took a walk around the block.

For dinner we finished last night's chicken pot pie and salad. Read the paper and now are watching Janet King, second episode.

More cold weather this evening. I got out my cold weather bike gear tonight.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday October 11, 2016

Blog time: 2120

Overslept until almost 0700. Nancy headed out immediately for her swim at MVP. I did the at home routine and had a leisurely breakfast. Took my time because the sun does not come up until 0800.

Pleasant bike ride to the Y. The colors are almost at their peak.

Calisthenics and mile run at Y. Spent some time at Panera reading the WSJ and Apple News. I am taking a break from opinions on the news.

Hurried home because the furnace man is coming some time this afternoon. Took the Taurus for gas. Did a load laundry.

Talked to my sister today and we are going to Gaylord on Saturday. We are having a Scott family gathering. My cousins from Harbor Springs and Alpena are coming. We are going to exchange family history and photos.

Also talked with a fellow retired Naval officer, Lynn Francis. He has a friend who was in the Navy's Civil Engineering Corps. We are all meeting for lunch Thursday. We are meeting at the airport then flying to Plainwell for lunch. Sounds good.

Took Ms P on a pleasant walk. The furnace man arrived about 1600. He put in a new circuit board. Everything is fine. Of course the circuit board was not cheap.

Walked around the block and then took a short nap.

Light dinner and then I spent some time checking all the furnace registers. They are now all clear and working. Pressed two pairs of khakis.

Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

It is that time of year when getting outside can be difficult. But remember that 30 minutes outside is good for the body and soul.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Monday October 10, 2016

Blog time: 2100

Another cool morning but it warmed up quickly as soon as the sun came up. Bright blue sky all day.

I did all my calisthenics at home today. Also rowed 2,000 meters. Today I was expecting Bel-Aire Heating to come and install the new circuit board for the furnace. Nancy came home about 1000 so I got on the bike and headed to Panera for coffee. Did not have much time to read the paper. I headed home about 1100.

Nancy had a 1130 Doctor appointment. At noon I called Bel-Aire and they said sorry but no fix today. They promised tomorrow afternoon. Luckily the temp the next two days will be mild.

I took Ms P on a nice long walk and then took a twelve mile bike ride. Great fall day to be outside.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed to the Apple Store. We attended a class on the use of the iPhone camera. It was a great class. After class we headed to Olga's for a sandwich.

Finished the evening watching "The Last Detective" on Acorn.

Nancy and I started watching last night's Presidential Debate. We got very uncomfortable watching two folks running for the highest office in the land making complete fool's of themselves. We switched to the ball game.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday October 9, 2016

Blog time: 1950

Weekend update. I forgot my Oct 4 blog. Oct 4 is the birthday of grandson Lucas. I just posted the birthday blog. Sorry Lucas!

Busy weekend for Bob and Nancy.

Saturday Nancy and I walked to Panera for our Saturday breakfast. Saturday was cold this morning so we both wore warm coats.

As soon as we got home we started running errands. First stop was Fruitbasket to buy some bulbs. Next we stopped at Lowe's and bought three bags of wood chips for our courtyard. At Trader Joe's bought some two buck chuck and a sourdough banquette.

We immediately started spreading the wood chips. We soon realized that we needed more chips. Back to Lowe's and bought six bags.

We spread the six bags and still needed more. Headed back and bought three bags.

We continued spreading chips. The courtyard looks good. We are happy with the results.

Took Ms P on a long walk. Showered and took a short nap.

We had dinner at the Namey's. Ed has been fighting some as health problems but looked good. Mary fixed an Italian dinner. It was great. Spent a pleasant time after dinner visiting.


Ms P had an upset stomach this morning so we started the day cleaning carpet.

We headed to the Y for a swim. I showered and headed to the pool. Guess what the pool was closed! The lifeguard over slept. We dressed and headed to Meijer's.

We had a light breakfast and then headed to Trinity Church for their 1115 service. Nancy and I both noted that the average age was over 55. No more sermons the minister gives a homily. Sounded like a sermon to me.

We wanted to turn our furnace on this morning but got no response. Called Bel-Aire and they sent a service man. We need a new circuit board. They will fix tomorrow.

Took Ms P on a long walk. Took a short nap and we all took a walk around the block. I continued on for another 1.5 miles.

Nancy fixed scrambled eggs with beans and rice for dinner.

Debbie face timed us tonight. We had a nice chat.

Now watching 60 Minutes. We will watch the debate tonight.

Friday October 7, 2016

Blog time: 1720

The rain stopped about 0200. The sun was out when I left at 0800 and the temp was heading towards mid 70s. A lot of branches and leaves on the ground from last night stopped rm.

Did my calisthenics and run at the Y before heading to Panera.

Lately when I read the World section of the WSJ I get very discouraged and then mad. It seems the world is seeing our weakness and ganging up. Russia, Syria, Iran, Turkey and even the Philippines are piling on. World affairs and our elections could make me just quit reading. I think I will just let the younger generation solve the world's problems. However, I don't think the younger generation reads the papers or watch the news. The Libertarian candidate for president is a good example.

Kim came today to clean. The house looks good. I got Ms P out of her hair by taking her on a long walk.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Breton Village. I stopped at Orvis, Fitzgerald's and Jos Banks, but did not buy anything. Nancy visited several stores including Talbots's but she did not buy either.

Took a short late afternoon nap. For dinner we headed to Sundance. Nancy had ham and eggs and I had the cherry chicken salad. Good food.

Took walk around the block. We watched Rake on Netflix and now we watching Arrested Development.

Tuesday October 4, 2016

Blog time 1750:

Happy Birthday Lucas A. Scott. Today is Lucas's eleventh birthday. Happy Birthday to a special Grandson.

Finally we had sun today. In fact the temperature got to a balmy 74.

The Alpena News reported that September was the warmest September on record. On our recent trip to the Rockies we were shown the effect of global warming on the shrinking glaciers. Global warming is for real.

The leaves are turning fast. Pleasant ride to the Y.

My Apple Watch has a fitness app. The cycle function keeps track of my miles, distance, heart beat, etc. and other useless info. Today the distance GPS was not working. However, the GPS functions on the walk and indoor run function worked fine. Go figure.

Our foreign policy towards Syria is confusing, incoherent and down right incompetent. Assad's army and Russia continue to murder civilians. Will Clinton be any better?

Bass Pro Shop is buying Cabela's. I thought it would be the other way around. I like Cabela's.

Nancy and her friend Kathi visited more venues at Art Prize today. They had lunch at an Eastown Deli called Marie Catribs. They had great sandwiches.

I got home at 1230 and immediately took Ms P on a nice long walk. Had a quick lunch and then got back on my bike and ran errands.

First stop was Ace Hardware, I am looking for a washer assembly for our store room faucet. Ace did not have the model I needed, bummer. Next I stopped at WalGreen to buy some face lotion with sun protection. At home I changed an outside light bulb.

Took a short nap. Nancy fixed soup with beans and rice for dinner. Just my type of meal.

Took a walk around the block and read the GRP. Watched Black List on Netflix. We did not watch the VP debate.

We talked with the birthday boy Lucas on FaceTime. We both commented on how he is maturing.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Thursday October 6, 2016

Blog time: 1650

I had a rough night last night. I must have strained some buttock muscles on my hilly bike ride yesterday. Today after completing my routine the pain is gone. I guess the lesson learned is to keep moving.

With changing colors my morning bike ride is very pleasant. Every day I pass a field loaded with wild turkeys. The turkeys are getting fat. They might know harder days are ahead.

The weather has been so mild that I am still wearing my knickers. I love my knickers. I do get some comments on the knickers, some favorable and some unfavorable.

Aleppo still dominates the news. Now Iraq has some of their Shitiite militias helping the Assad regime. This continues to screw up US policy. If we ever had a policy.

Mom and Pop labs are turning out the deadly fentanyl pills that are much more potent than heroin. Many deaths are attributed to these drugs. I think if we legalize drugs we can at least have some control. Let's face it we have lost the war on drugs just like we lost the war on booze. Only the bad guys are getting rich. Billions and billions of dollars are going down the drain for a lost cause.

As soon as I got home we loaded up and headed to Costco. Not very crowded so we breezed through.

Our TVs have been acting up. No volume control and we could not get out of Apple TV. So we unplugged all units and went shopping. Plugged all units back in and everything is working fine.

I had the same problem with a GPS on my watch. Turned all my Apple devices off and next day they all worked fine. Lesson learned, don't panic just turn the dam thing off and let it set a spell.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. I took a short nap.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at a new sandwich shop. We both had the beef dip. We gave the food B-.

As soon as we got home I took a walk around the block. Sundown now is 1910 so my evening walks will come to an end soon. I don't walk in the dark.

We are now watching last episode of Wallender on Netflix. A heavy thunder just rolled through. Ms P went bonkers so we gave her half a Benadryl pill and she mellowed right out.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Wednesday October 5, 2016

Blog time: 2000

Today is my easy Monday. I slept in until 0715. It was too dark to bike so I did my calisthenics at 50%.

Pedaled to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast. I did not have coffee because it is tearing up my stomach.

We live in a dangerous world. Russia is building up its military making its neighbors very nervous. Norway and the Baltic states are feeling threatened. Their actions in Syria have the Obama administration looking weak.

The new Philippines President is becoming more and more anti-American. He is cozying up to China and Russia. We have naval facilities in the Philippines and he might kick us out.

On an upbeat note Vietnam is now becoming our friend. This week two US Ships anchored in Cam Rahn Bay one of Asia's best natural harbors. I am very familiar with Cam Rahn Bay. In 1963 and 1964 I was given the project for construction of a new pier in the bay. I was one of the first US Military to visit the bay. It was a beautiful location.

I left Panera and went on 12 mile bike ride. When I got home I took Ms P on walk.

Showered, ate lunch and took a short nap. After the nap I got in the cobalt and headed to Godwin Hardware. Our local hardware store did not have the washer I needed. The folks at Godwin knew actually what I needed. They even gave me a lesson on installing the spring and washer.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said it was very busy.

At home I changed washers and the faucet is not leaking. Mission accomplished.

Light dinner and then a walk around the block.

Tonight we watched Brokenwood on Acorn. I liked it but Nancy was lukewarm.

We had a very warm day today. Temp reached low 80s with a brief shower at 1700. More of the same tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Monday October 3, 2016

Blog time: 2015

Finally no rain so I can ride my bike. I have been doing more calisthenics at home lately because the sun does not come up until 0745. I don't like riding in the dark.

The Y was not very crowded today. Nancy said the same about MVP. Maybe the luster is off belonging to a Athletic Club.

The Athletic Clubs might be out of favor but bakery/coffee shops like Panera are busy.

The Colombian Government makes a deal with a rebel group that has been waging war with the Government for years. The peace treaty was put to a public vote last week and rejected. Now what?

Trump's taxes certainly have been making the news. My first question is how did the NYT get this info. Invasion of privacy?

The entire tax issue should highlight the need for tax reform. Trump probably took advantage of our confusing Federal tax laws. In fact as I understand the tax laws they are geared to help real estate companies during downturns. I don't know if this is fair but it is the law.

My little company, Scott Civil Engineering Company, seldom paid Federal taxes. My accountant always found a legal exemption.

If I was King I would tax all companies on their gross revenues with no deductions. The tax rate would be less than 15%. Vote for me for king!

After Panera I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed downtown to continue our visit to Art Prize. For a Monday Downtown was jammed with visitors. We really enjoyed today's visit.

At home I took a short nap. We had a light dinner. Instead of watching the news I took a load of clothes to Goodwill.

Tonight we watched the season ending episode of Hinderland on Netflix.

Sure sign fall is here. I keep running over fallen acorns and walnuts. Looks like a good crop, the deer and squirrels will get fat.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday October 2, 2016

Blog time: 1755

We are changing our Sunday routine. Swimming is out and church is in.

Up at 0630 to get ready. We attended Trinity Lutheran church at Fulton and Robinson road. The 0800 service was lightly attended.

After church we headed to Meijer's for supplies.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with a waffle.

Took Ms P on a long walk. Followed the walk with short nap.

Spent several hours cleaning out clothes that I will take to Good Will. Also put away summer clothes.

I took apart the downstairs faucet and tomorrow will buy washers.

Finished the afternoon with a quick walk.

Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner. Very good.

After dinner we all took a walk around the block. Perfect evening for a walk.

Watched 60 Minutes and finished reading the GRP. We are now watching the final episode of Janet King on Acorn. Great Show!

Saturday October 1, 2016

Blog time: 1925

It was raining hard when we got up this morning. Too wet to walk so we got in the Taurus and headed to Pal's Diner. Pal's is a 50s style diner. I had a big breakfast and Nancy had biscuits. We gave the diner a grade of B.

Stopped at Ace Hardware to look for a watering can and I wanted some information on how to change a faucet washer.

Stopped at home and picked up Ms P. First stop Home Depot, Nancy did not find a watering can and no info on how to fix my leaky faucet.

Final stop was Lowe's and we hit the jackpot. Nancy bought her watering can and I found out how to fix the faucet. We also bought an outside light and bag of mulch.

The rain had finally stopped so as soon as we got home I took Ms P on her walk.

Grabbed my iPad and walked to the Cascade Library. The nice lady at the desk showed me where they keep back issues of Consumer's Report. I checked out mid sized SUVs. CR gave the Ford Escape a poor rating. The Honda got a lukewarm rating. The best rating was a Subaru Forester.

I spent some time reading the WSJ. I read nothing that I want to comment on.

On my walk home I stopped at the Subaru dealer and looked at the Forester. It looks nice and the cost is within my budget. However, it is made Japan. I usually buy American including cars made in Canada and Mexico. I think in this age of Globalization I might want to change my opinion.

I did take a nap this afternoon. After the nap I walked around the block. I just walked in the door when it started to pour.

Nancy fixed black bean soup and egg rolls for dinner. Great meal.

We watched the end of the UM/UW game. Is UM for real?

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Friday September 30, 2016

Blog time 1615:

The rain continues. Up at 0630, put on my rain gear and walk to the Y in a steady drizzle. For a Friday the Y was not very crowded.

Did my calisthenics and mile run, showered then put on my wet gear and walked to Panera. Unlike the Y Panera was jammed.

The papers and morning business shows are having a hissy fit over Deutschland Bank. I really don't care.

The Syrians and Russians are destroying Aleppo and the EU and USA are just sitting on their hands.

Kashmir is another hot spot that does not seem to have a solution. Both India and Pakistan have nukes. Scary!

The nastiness of the news media is very discouraging. Has civility and objectivity gone by the wayside. The email posts of Esquire and Vanity Fair that I receive each morning are in very bad taste.

The rain had stopped when I left Panera, but is scheduled to resume later this afternoon. I took Ms P on her walk before lunch.

This afternoon I did chores. Washed the glass in our new exterior door. Moved the umbrella on our deck table downstairs. I tried to figure how to fix the leaky faucet in the downstairs storage room. I took some photos and will stop by Ace Hardware tomorrow for guidance.

Upgraded software on my iPad and laptop. Called my Sleep Doctor and Heating Company to schedule appointments. Yes I have a sleep doctor and he is a MD.

Tonight Nancy and I are going out to dinner with the Horlings. I will continue this blog after dinner.

We met the Horling's at Bone Fish Grill. Nancy and I had their scallops and shrimp dish. It was great. The Horling's are good company. We had a great time.

The rain will continue tomorrow. I did get my thirty minutes outside today. Lately my fitness goal is 10,000 steps.