Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thursday June 30, 2016

Log time: 2106

No swim for Nancy today. The counter folks are coming today for final measurements.

I did my normal routine today. The wi-fi was not working at Panera so I had limited news today.

I got home at 1200 and took Ms P on a1.5 mile walk.

AJ did not want to go to lunch so Missy and I headed out to Culver’s.

I had a fish filet sandwich. I gave it a C.

Took the Taurus in for an oil change. Looked at the Ford SUVs but really did not find a model that I liked.

I attended a class this afternoon at St Mary’s. The class showed me how to put on a sleep apnea monitor. I will wear it tonight.

Nancy grilled chicken, corn and veggies this evening. We all ate on the deck. Perfect evening for eating outside.

After dinner we hooked up Ms P and went on nature walk.

Nancy gave AJ a bath tonight.

It is now 2127 and I will read the GRP before heading to bed. Nancy will have to help me put on the apnea monitor.

Wednesday June 29, 2016

Log time: Thursday 30 Jun

Easy Wednesday: I promised Missy and AJ we would go out for breakfast.

I got on the bike and headed to Panera for a quick coffee and read.

I got home at 0900 and had to wake the girls up at 1000.

We walked to Leo’s for breakfast. They have a good basic breakfast.

Took Ms P on a walk.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

We all got in the Taurus and drove Nancy to the Gardens.

AJ, Missy and I took a tour of the Japanese Garden.

At home I took a short nap.

Picked up Nancy at 1600.

Tonight we are going to a Whitecaps baseball game courtesy of LSEngineering and Scott Civil Engineering Company. They also sponsored a pregame picnic. We had hot dogs and hamburgers with potato salad.

This was AJ’s first baseball game. It was a perfect summer’s evening. We had a great time.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tuesday June 28, 2016

Log time: Wednesday 1700

Busy day today. It was cool when I headed out, 59, and did not worry about breaking a sweat.

I have decided that I prefer the WSJ over NYT. I will cancel the NYT.

BRexit still dominates the news but stock market seems to be rebounding.

I had a quick lunch and then headed to the Sleep Doctor. Nancy has noted recently that when sleeping on my back and snoring I seem to stop breathing for several seconds. I met with Dr Kutsche and he thought it might be sleep apnea. He scheduled an appointment with the Sleep Doctor.

The Sleep Doctor has recommended that they monitor my sleep for one evening. Thursday I will attend a class on how to use the monitoring devise. I will wear the monitor Thursday evening and turn it in on Friday. The device is very high tech. I was impressed with the Doctor.

At home I took Ms P on a long walk. It was nice and cool.

At 1830 we headed to the airport. Tonight AJ and Missy will arrive in GR at 1900. As soon as we picked them up we headed to Olga’s in Gaslight Village for dinner. Missy loves the Original Olga sandwich.

AJ will be in GR for a couple of weeks. Missy leaves Friday. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday June 27, 2016

Log time: 2017

Another nice day sunny and warm.

It was 69 when I headed to the Y and when I arrived it was 77. I overdressed and my clothes were wet.

Tomorrow I will put a change of clothes in my backpack. One of the few downsides of warm weather.

BRexit dominates the news. I really get tired listening and reading about how the world will end tomorrow because of the BRexit. Most reporters are thumb suckers and bed wetters. What will be will be!

As soon as I got home Nancy and I headed to Costco to replenish supplies. Gas at Costco was $2.21.

After lunch I got on the bike and headed to Gagnon Travel. We are taking AJ back to CA in the middle of July and need tickets. Peggy, our agent, will check out all our options.

I did take a short nap. We had a light dinner. After dinner we all walked to the mailbox a round trip walk of about 1 mile.

Watched some of the swimming trials. It is now 2100 and we are watching and Rizzoli and Isles.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday June 26, 2016

Log time: 2040

Rain predicted for early this morning. No rain when we left for the Y.

Nancy and I were the only folks in the pool. We both swam 20 laps.

Gas at Meijer’s was $2.45. We loaded up on fruit and treats for AJ today.

It was raining hard when we left Meijer’s.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs this morning.

Watched some morning news shows and then took my Sunday nap.

After lunch took Ms P on a short walk because temps were in the mid 80s. Dropped Ms P off and then continued the walk.

I have an appointment with a sleep doctor on Tuesday. Spent about an hour filling our their form.

Nancy fixed burgers for dinner tonight. They were great.

I took a walk around the block. The temps are still above 80.

We are now watching the Olympic swim trials. Very interesting.

Another nice summer day.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday June 25, 2016

Log time: 2105

Saturday evening and Nancy is face timing Debbie. Another hot beautiful summer day in GR. It is now 84.

We slept in until 0700. Dressed and walked to Panera for breakfast.

Our old neighborhood Ottawa Hills had a Garden Tour today. We got in the Taurus and drove to OH. The Garden Tour is a walking tour and we walked around the neighborhood and visited several old friend’s gardens. Thirty homes took part in the tour. We noted a lot of folks attending the Tour.

At home I put on the bike riding clothes and took a 12 mile ride followed by a short walk for Ms P. Quick lunch, shower and then took a long nap. I was really tired.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Brann’s. Nancy had a baked potato and I had a Michigan Cherry Chicken salad. We like Brann’s. It is about 0.8 miles from the condo. After dinner took a walk around the block.

Tonight we started watching a new show “Clean Break” on Acorn.

I will turn the AC off tonight when the outside temp gets below 80. Rain predicted for tomorrow. We really need rain.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday June 24, 2016

Log time: 1716

Yes folks another nice summer, clear skies and temps in the mid 80s.

Got up early and left home before 0700. I have to hustle today because the counter top folks are coming at 1000 to take some measurements. I took a short, 4 miles, bike route to the Y.

After the Y I headed to Panera. I only spent about 30 minutes at Panera before heading home. The contractor took some measurement and explained how everything would go together. I felt comfortable after his explanation.

After he left I got back on the bike and headed to Starbucks near Costco. I finished reading the NYT. Actually not much in the paper except articles on the BRexit.

The temps were in the mid 80s when I took Ms P on her walk so we did the short, 0.75 mi, nature route. I really enjoy this great weather but must admit that we need rain.

Took a short nap and then a walk around the block. Showered and got ready to tonight's big event.

Tonight Nancy and I are eating downtown at the Boar’s Head. After dinner we are attending a play, The Book of Mormon, at the DeVos Performance Hall. Will report on the play in tomorrows blog.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday June 23, 2016

Log time: 1700

The weather folks said rain would start at 1000 today. It looked like rain when I went out with Ms P this morning.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP. Before I left I put on a waterproof jacket in case it rains. The temperature was a very pleasant 65.

Since I have my Apple watch I have been recording all my various activities like: outdoor cycle, indoor run, outdoor walk and an item called “other”. I use “other” for my calisthenics. According to the watch it takes me 20’ to do the calisthenics and I burn 80 calories and my average heart rate is 90. Is this overkill?

The watch is not very accurate for the indoor run. I think being indoors blocks the GPS function. I run a mile but the watch say 1.2 miles. I think the average heart rate is high because it records 140. I don’t think I am working that hard. All of the outdoor mileage for the run and walk appears accurate.

Left the Y at 1000 and still no rain. However, it is very humid.

The BRexit vote dominates the news. Most experts don’t think it will pass. Does the average American care?

I have repeatedly said military assault rifles should be banned. Several retired Generals have written Op-Eds supporting a ban. Why is this so hard? Both the Dems and GOP are not being very mature on this issue.

I see long time GOP advisor, Bret Scowcroft, to President Ford and Bush is endorsing Ms Clinton. I think many more Republicans will make the change before the election. I think I am going to vote Libertarian. I cannot support Trump.

When I left Panera I noted that my bike was wet. We must have had a brief shower while I was inside.

It was still very pleasant when I got home. I took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Meijer’s. Gas today was $2.59. I picked up a prescription and bought some tonic water for our afternoon lemonade.

I took a short nap and after the nap fixed lemonade for the two of us. It is now 1745 and I am sitting on the deck writing this blog. The temperature is a pleasant 79.

Nancy is cooking dinner in the crock pot. It is pork chop and apples over rice. Sounds good! We are going to eat on the deck.

Lately I have wearing shorts. Several years ago I swore off wearing shorts. Nothing is uglier than an old man exposing his ugly legs. However, it seems that other old guys don’t share my view. So I have joined them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sunday June 19, 2016

Log time: 1630 Sunday

Weekend Update:

Saturday morning and it is looking like another nice summer day with temps approaching 90.

Nancy and I walk to Panera for breakfast. Panera was not crowded.

It was warming up fast when we got home so I got on my bike and took a 16 miles ride. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on our short nature walk.

Showered, shaved and had a quick lunch. East Grand Rapids was having their art fair this afternoon. Nancy and I spent about an hour looking around.

I did buy a photograph of the Whites Road Bridge in Ionia County. I had worked on this historic wooden covered bridges several years back. Unfortunately vandals burned the bridge several years ago.

At home I just scanned the NYT and then took a nap. For dinner Nancy and I drove to JT’s for pizza. JT’s have great pizza.

Took my nightly walk around the block before settling down to watch some TV. It was a netflix evening.

Sunday June 19:

Following our schedule Nancy and I went swimming this morning. We both swam 20 laps or 1,000 yards.

Gas at Meijer’s was $2.59 today. Triscuits and Wheat Thins were on sale so we bought several months supply.

I took Ms P on a short walk before breakfast. She cannot take temps in the high 80s. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Watched some Sunday news shows and read the funnies before taking my Sunday nap. After the nap I got on my bike and headed to Meijer’s. I picked up a prescription and bought some apples and tonic water.

Lately I have been fixing a tonic water/lemon water drink over a lot of ice. It is a great hot weather drink.

I am suspending my writing so I can fire up the grill. Nancy is grilling steaks and corn on the cob. Stay tuned.

I am back! Nancy grilled T bones steak. Love T bone. Also had the corn and a sweet potato. We ate on the deck. Perfect!

Debbie facetimed us tonight. She had a great time in Long Beach.

After I did the dishes I walked around the block. We are watching “Happy Valley” on netflix. After the show is over we will watch the BB ball. I am hoping Cleveland wins.

On this Father’s Day I talked to all three kids. Alway great to talk to your offsprings.

Solstice is getting close. We had 15h21’ daylight today. For comparison Edinburgh had 17h36’.

Wednesday June 22, 2016

Log time: 1735

I am sitting on the deck drinking lemonade and writing this blog. Today was Breakfast Club Wednesday and I get up with the alarm, 0550. It is nice to be able to drive to BC in bright sunshine.

We had a good turnout. Breakfast this morning was especially good, scrambled eggs and cheese, link sausage, whole grain pancakes and fruit.

Today’s speaker is the husband of Nancy and Bob’s dermatologist, Mary Yurko. He owns a biotech firm developing drugs for Alzheimer’s disease. In fact his drug is now in the first phase of testing on humans. The firm in addition to offices in GR also has labs in Kalamazoo, San Diego, Iceland and Australia. Sort of a multi-national effort. I think you would call this firm a boutique because they have less than 20 total employees.

Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease. I know several high school classmates who have died from Alzheimer’s. Last Sunday’s GR Press had an article on our former Mayor, John Logie, announcing he has Alzheimers. John Logie was a great mayor. He is several years younger than me.

The only thing most experts recommend is cardio exercise. My Grandfather Scott was right. He always said that every day you should work up a good barnyard sweat.

After BC I drove to Cabelas in Grandville. I was looking for sturdy long sleeve white tees and a small backpack in a high visibility color. They had neither. I did buy a small fishing pole. I will need it when AJ comes next week.

I stopped at the Rivertown Mall. I wanted to buy a straw hat at Eddie Bauer. They did not have any.

As soon as I got home I put on my bike clothes and headed out. Today I did my favorite route backwards because the hills are not as bad. Total miles, 15.

I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Performed some errands and then took a short nap.

Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon. She said they were busy.

After the news I will take a walk around the block. I didn’t have time to get a coffee and read the papers today. Tonight I will try to catch up.

Our string of super nice days continued. It might end tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Tuesday June 21, 2016

Log time: 1730

Our incredible weather continues with sunny skies and temps in the high 70s. Nancy heads out to MVP for her Tuesday swim and I bike to the Y.

It was a very pleasant ride because of a refreshing breeze. Since I have retired and now spend a considerable amount of time outdoors I have observed that we seem to have winds greater than 10 mph more frequently. My high school buddies in Alpena have also noted that they cannot go fishing as much out in Lake Huron because of high winds. My unscientific reason for the higher winds is Global Climate Change.

The workers at Panera now know my name and what I order, banana and a coffee. I did spend several hours reading the NYT. BRexit still dominates the news. The polls say BRexit will be defeated but I am not so sure.

Read about the election of a new mayor for Rome. She has a monumental task getting the city squared away. The corruption and bureaucracy are mind boggling. Twenty five percent of city employees don’t show up for work on any given day.

Food riots in Venezuela are the result of a left wing government gone amuck. Venezuela sits on huge oil reserves but because of mismanagement they cannot feed their citizens. Big Government is always bad.

Because of the nice weather I added a half mile to Ms Ps walk. Quick lunch and then some chores. I ironed several pair of khakis and hung up a towel rack in the downstairs bath.

Last week I bought a humidity gage and placed it downstairs. When the humidity gets above 55% I fire up the dehumidifier. It takes about 24 hours to draw 50 pints of water out of the air.

Today the Gardens had celebrated the one year anniversary of their Japanese Gardens. Nancy worked a special shift.

Tonight we are going to Noto’s for a neighborhood party. Noto’s is an Italian restaurant about 0.5 miles from the condo. During the summer months we get together about once a month.

Blog resumes Wednesday @ 1730:

Good turnout at Noto’s. Our neighbor Sonya drove with us. One of the couples that sat with us had been married 66 years. They have a 39 foot long motor home that he drives all over the USA. He is 85. I think Nancy and I were the youngest couple.

Noto’s food is good. Nancy and I will walk over some evening and sit in the bar and have a light dinner.

Got home about 2045. Sat down to watch some TV and immediately fell asleep.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday June 20, 2016

Log time: 1750

The summer solstice is today at 1834 EDT. In GR we will have 15h21' of daylight. I always have a let down immediately after the solstice because the days are getting shorter.

We had another hot one today. It is 87 presently. I am sitting on our deck writing this blog. The nice thing about this warm weather is that I only wear three items of clothing vs nine in winter.

I got up early today. Headed out to the Y before 0800. Despite the early hour I still worked up a sweat.

Did the normal calisthenics and run at the Y. I keep saying I like the WSJ over the NYT, then how come I spent two hours reading the NYT this morning. I found several interesting articles.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a short walk. Wanted to get the walk in before the heat really hit us.

I did a load of laundry before lunch. After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Costco. I bought a TV for the kitchen. It was the smallest TV on display, 24". I could not believe the price, $135, or weight, extremely light. It was easy to set up.

Nancy and Mary Namey drove to Grand Haven today to have lunch with a fellow teacher. They had a great time.

We had a light dinner tonight. It is now 1857 and we are watching NBC news. I will take a walk after the news.

We will watch TNT and then record Major Crimes that starts at 2200. We usually go to bed at 2200.

Good to see Cleveland win the BB championship. They said it is the first title since the Browns football team won in 1964.

I remember vividly the World Series win of the Cleveland Indians in 1948. The Indians beat the Boston Braves. I was ten and was confined to home because of the Chicken Pox. My Parents gave me a radio for Christmas. I was a big baseball fan and really was kind of glad I could stay home and listen to the games.

I remember game three. The Indians won 2-0. Gene Bearden was the winning pitcher. Bearden had been wounded in WW II and had a steel plate in his head. The announcer kept talking about not only did Bearden have and iron plate in his head but he had an iron heart.

I told my Parents at dinner that Gene Bearden had an iron heart. My Parents tried explaining that the term Iron Heart was a metaphor meaning he was fighter. And that is the way it was in the life of little Bobby Scott, 1948.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday June 17, 2016

Log time: 1616

A nice warm sunny day, it was 62 when I left for the Y and 76 when I headed to Panera. It is now 89.

During my run this morning a summer class of first graders were singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game. I sang along as I circled the classroom. They then sang “You are My Sunshine”. I finished my mile run with a smile and my best time of the year. Maybe we should have kids sing to Trump and Clinton before they start a rally. It might mellow them out.

NYT today reported on:

the Russian Track team being banned from the Olympics.
the Iraqi Army taking Fallujah.
US State Department employees rebelling against Obama’s Syria policy.

It was 80 when I got home so I took Ms P on our short nature walk.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and ran errands. First stop was Home Depot. I bought a Relative Humidity gage. Our basement is below ground and gets very humid in the summer. We just bought a dehumidifier and I want to know when to turn it on. Next stop was Meijer’s. Nancy bought grapes and snacks. I am glad we normally shop at Meijer’s on Sunday because it is not very crowded. Today it was jammed.

I took a short nap and then spent some time paying bills. Tonight Nancy fixed beans and rice. Also corn on the cob.

Our kitchen TV looks to be failing. I might have to buy a new one.

Tonight we will watch some netflix before turning in. Love June! If I was King I would have two Junes and eliminate March.

Thursday June 16, 2016

Log time: 1650

We had some major thunder storms come through last night. Ms P went bonkers but we gave her a benadryl and it really mellowed her out.

This morning Nancy headed out to go swimming. I put on my bike clothes and headed to the Y. I encountered a brief shower but it was short lived. The temperature all day did not reach 70.

The Y was crowded with kids going to camps but the number of adults seems to have declined since summer vacation. Nancy said the same thing about MVP.

Rain had stopped when I left the Y for Panera. Downloaded the NYT and read several articles in their World section. The NYT does not cover South America as well at WSJ. Lately I have become very interested in South America especially Venezuela, Brazil and Peru.

All the business shows are all worried about what happens if the BRexit passes. I really do not get excited about this vote.

I have never understood the GOP’s objection to banning assault weapons. What civilian needs a rapid firing military weapon?

Nancy texted and said that instead of going to the bank as planned I should stop and get a check to deposit. Macatawa Bank is now our primary bank. It is a local bank and the local branch is 0.6 miles from the condo. It is nice when you walk into a bank and everyone knows your name.

Before lunch I took Ms P on a walk. The temperature was in the mid 60s ideal temp for a walk.

I spent some time this afternoon trying to find data on our garbage disposal. If it was purchased within the last five years we will not replace it when we install the new quartz counter tops. I called In InSink Erator in Racine, WI but they could not give me the date of purchase. Actually I talked to a Call Center in the Philippines. I did find a date on the Installation Guide, May 2001. We decided to purchase a new one.

I was just starting my nap when my phone rang. I was my cousin Judy’s daughter Valerie. She wanted to know if I knew any firms hiring recent Civil Grads. I said I would check it out. I did talk to the old firm and got some info on possible jobs in the area. No nap today.

For dinner Nancy and I walked to Shepard’s Grill. I had a perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of Navy bean soup. Shepard’s Grill is becoming a favorite.

As soon as we got home I took a walk around the block. We read the GRP and watched two shows on netflix.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday June 15, 2016

Log time: 1725

Today is my easy day. It was raining at my normal wake up time, 0630, so I rolled over and slept until 0715.

Still raining when I left home so I walked to Panera. I had an oatmeal breakfast. The grace period for the WSJ must have expired because I could not download it. I have another month on the NYT subscription so I downloaded it.

Does Donald Trump have any friends in the media? I know he is not a friend of mine. I might add that I am not fond of Ms Clinton. Libertarian’s might get over 10% of the vote in the Nov election.

After Panera I decided that I should go swimming. Walked to the Y and swam 30 minutes.

The temperature and humidity was going up at a rapids rate so as soon as I got home I took Ms P on our short nature walk.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She left at 1230.

Tomorrow is recycle day. We had a lot to recycle this period.

Had my normal lunch, yogurt, hardboiled egg, apple and cheese.

Took a short nap.

I synced (sp?) my iPad and iPhone to the laptop.

Tonight we are going to the Condo Associations annual meeting. I will suspend writing this blog and have any early dinner. Stay tuned!

Had the light dinner and then Nancy and I headed to Noto’s. Noto's provides a meeting room for the condo group. Over 60 folks attended the meeting tonight. This was our second meeting and we are beginning to know more of our neighbors. No big problems with the association. Several complaints about last winters snow plowing. We learned that our drive will be repaved this summer.

Debbie is attending Grandson Lucas’s fifth grade graduation today. Next year he starts Middle School. She sent us several pictures. Congratulations Lucas!

The Scott household had a major problem today. We ran out of peanut butter. I got on my bike and headed to Costco. Costco is 1.75 miles from the condo. Wednesday afternoon is a good time for shopping at Costco. Not many customers.

The trip to Costco is an example of how convenient our condo is to major shopping. Malls, grocery, sporting goods stores and restaurants are within any easy walk or bike ride. I have been thinking of trading both the cobalt and Taurus in for one large SUV. I sometimes think we don’t need two vehicles.

Tuesday June 14, 2016

Log time: 2050

Happy Flag Day: We have been celebrating Flag Day since the Stars and Strips flag was adopted in 1777. Also on this date in 1954 President Eisenhower added the phrase “under God” to the Pledge.

It was raining this morning. I don’t ride my bike when it is raining, so I put on my rain gear and walked to the Y, 1.67 miles.

The noise level in the Y has increased since summer classes have started. It is a great sound. Since no bike ride I increased my run.

I am still getting both the NYT and WSJ despite the fact that my subscription has expired. Orlando and BrExit still dominates the news.

Nancy and I had a 1300 appointment with the contractor installing our new counter tops. We signed the contract. The first thing the contractor will do is make a template of the new countertops. That should happen within the next week.

Lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. The heat got to her so we shortened the walk. The temperature reached 81 this afternoon.

Took a short nap and then I headed downstairs to complete an application for a Global Entry card. Typical Federal form more complicated than it needs to be.

Three of my four chipmunk traps were set off. I came up empty handed.

Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner. It was great. After dishes I took a walk around the block.

We are now watching Animal Kingdom on TNT. It is not very good in fact it is terrible.

Missy emailed Nancy today and said she and AJ will be coming June 29. AJ will stay about two weeks and then Nancy and I will take her back.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday June 13, 2016

Log time: 2100

Monday morning and another nice day ahead. High temps in the 70s.

Nancy heads to MVP and I get on the bike and pedal the 7.75 miles to the Y.

Did the normal routine at the Y.

Today is the first day of summer vacation. The Y started their summer camps and they had a good turnout.

MVP has an outdoor soccer/lacrosse facility immediately north of the Y. All of their field were busy with soccer and lacrosse camps.

Today is my last day for both the WSJ and NYT. After the week trial I like the WSJ best. Tomorrow I will start a new subscription to the WSJ.

At home I took Ms P on a long walk. She appears to have recovered from her unset stomach.

The chipmunks have been driving Nancy bananas so I set four trapS. Also spread some topsoil around courtyard.

Nancy had lunch today with her former coworkers at Blodgett Gift Shop. She said they had about 15 gals in attendance.

This afternoon we drove to Walmart to return some fizzy water bottles. Had 57 bottles and used the refund to purchase new bottles.

Took a short nap and then walked to the Post Box. I tried checking my Chase account on my iMac but they said I had to download the current OSX system. I checked and found I had the current system. What gives?

Light dinner and then after the dishes I took a walk around the block. This evening we are watching Rizzoli and Isles. Maybe we might stay awake and watch Major Crimes. Nancy told me that she is recording the show. I forgot about our ability to record. Good news!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday June 12, 2016

Log time: 1650

Another great summer day. Present temperature is 80 which is perfect. I am sitting on the deck writing this blog and drinking a lemon highball. I just discovered this summer drink. Clear lemon fizzy water mixed with tonic water and ice. I probably should have added some Irish whiskey.

We started Sunday with our trip to the Y. Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics and ran 1.2 miles.

We stopped at Meijer’s so we could get fruit, milk and gas. Gas today was up to $2.79.

Ms P has been eating grass which means her stomach is upset. Before breakfast I took her on our mild nature walk. She had no difficulty with the walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine on a waffle.

The shooting in Orlando dominated this morning news. It is tragic. I don’t see why folks are opposed to banning assault rifles. What sportsman needs a rapid fire rifle to shoot a deer. Assault rifles have only one purpose and that is to kill people. Only the military should have them.

I read the funnies before taking my Sunday nap. After the nap I walked over to ACE Hardware and had a key made for our padlocks. I have about ten padlocks that are keyed the same. We use them for our Y lockers and to secure my bikes.

As mentioned before Nancy bought a humming bird feeder for our deck. The humming birds have found the feeder. We will need a replacement soon. It is hard to believe that such a tiny bird made it to MI from Mexico. Watching them is a summer pleasure.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch some TV before turning in.

Saturday June 11, 2016

Log time: 2130

Saturday morning and we slept in this morning. Another warm day is ahead of us. Temps in high 80s.

We walk to Panera for breakfast. It is nice to be able to walk in the morning wearing only a tee shirt. We had our typical Saturday breakfast.

Today I took a long 16 mile bike ride. Great day for a bike ride.

I tried to take Ms P on her walk but she refused. It must be the heat.

Showered and then read the papers. How come I find the elections in Peru, political problems in Brazil and the BRexit interesting but I never read about the US elections? Could we be saturated with all the coverage?

I took a walk this afternoon. Nancy grilled steaks for dinner. She also grilled potatoes. We had dinner on the deck.

After dinner I took a walk around the block. We watched Happy Valley and then Grace and Frankie on netflix.

It is now 2200 and am signing off for the day. 15h20’ of daylight today. Love June!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Friday June 10, 2016

Log time: 1715

Today is blog number 2,370.

It was 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. Cloudy but no rain until late tonight.

Rode my Bianchi today for a change of pace. I like the eight speed internal hub it is simple and low maintenance. However, it does not have disc brakes and is not geared properly to get up some of Cascade’s steep hills.

Every day I meet folks at the Y that I knew either from work or the MAC. It is nice to see a familiar face. Us old folks need social contact or so they say.

Both the WSJ and NYT are really getting geared up on the Presidential election. I am very uncomfortable will all the nasty comments from both Clinton and Trump. Didn’t these folks learn anything in Sunday School.

China is being nice with Myanmar. China wants to operate a copper mine and built a huge hydro electric dam in that country. As a civil engineer I find all of China’s proposals to build dams, roads, ports and railroad in neighboring countries very interesting. I think it is smart on their part. I would like to see in my lifetime a good road between China and Europe. Just like the old silk road.

We met the Moleski’s at Charley’s for dinner. Charley’s have a great smelt basket. Both Tom and I had the smelt. The place was crowded. Nancy said it was so warm nobody wanted to stay home and cook.

I love temps above 80. It is my comfort zone.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Thursday June 9, 2016

Log time: 2116

Back to normal Thursday, no service men, no painters today. It was cool this morning, 49, but no rain.

Nancy headed out to go swimming and I got on my bike and headed the Y. I had four layers on my torso but still wore my knickers. I was comfortable on the ride.

Did the calisthenics and then headed to Panera. Read sections of the WSJ and NYT but can not recall anything.

Nancy had lunch with a friend. Today I took Ms P on a longer walk which included our nature walk. She did not seem to mind the extra distance.

The paint has finally dried in the downstairs bath. I put the towel racks back, installed new wall covers for the outlets, hung up the mirror and moved the closet back in. The bath looks great.

An electrical outlet cover in the kitchen is broken so I headed to ACE and bought a replacement.

Moved the Brooks bike saddle from my single speed to the Bianchi.

We have a big crack in the retaining wall attached to our condo. A member of the condo board stopped by to look at our problem. Nancy had sent in a repair request. We talked a bit and agreed on a repair option.

Nancy had called a Kitchen and Bath Contractor and he stopped by this afternoon. He took some measurement and will provide us with an estimate. We were impressed with the contractor. He had a solution for every concern.

Nancy fixed a pasta with pork this evening. It was great.

Took my evening walk around the block. Read the GRP and watched Wallender on Netflix.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday June 8, 2016

Log time: 1940

Breakfast Club Wednesday, left home at 0615 in bright sunshine. Good turnout today. The speaker was retired attorney, Tom Dilley. He has a hobby of studying cemeteries in GR. He gave a great talk. He has even written several books on the subject.

I stopped by the Fulton Street Market and bought two pounds of rhubarb. Continued on to Starbucks in Woodland Mall to read the papers.

No Y today instead I decided on a long bike ride. Today's route included a ride along Fulton between Ada and Forest Hills. Total distance was 16 miles.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. After lunch I took Ms P on her nature walk, took out the trash, folded clothes, showered and took a short nap.

Nancy went to book club straight from the Gardens. I met Ed and Tom at Uccello's for dinner. We had a great time, eating, drinking and talking.

As soon as I got home I took a walk around the block. It was a great summer evening. It is now 2000 and after our cheese we will watch Rosemary and Thyme.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday June 7, 2016

Log time: 1722

A cold windy Tuesday, temps never got above 61. Nancy headed out early for her swim.

Once again I did my calisthenics at home because the Randy, the painter, is coming early to finish painting the kitchen ceiling and lower bath.

I left for Panera as soon as Nancy got home at 1000. I am still able to get the WSJ. I read selected articles in both the WSJ and NYT.

Quick Summary:

Doing business in China is difficult.

The ruling PRI party in Mexico lost in four states. First time they lost since 1929.

Donald Trump might self destruct.

Bernie might win California.

After coffee I continued on my bike ride. Total miles today, 16.

Randy was done painting before noon. Everything looks good.

Nancy got some special orthotics for her left foot.

I took a short nap right after lunch.

Ran errands this afternoon. Bought special dog food for Ms P. Also bought a salt block. Placed the block outside our downstairs slider. Hope the deer will stop by for a lick.

At ACE Hardware I bought four new light switch plates for the downstairs bath. Also got sandpaper so I can sand the top of the lower bath door.

Nancy and I started filling out an application for a Global Entry card. I got frustrated but Nancy bulled her way through. The Feds never make anything easy.

Light dinner tonight then a walk around the block. Finish the evening reading the GRP and watching some TV.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday June 6. 2016

Log time: 1745

Sitting on deck, drinking wine and writing this blog. Another cool but nice day in GR.

Usually I am up before 0630 and immediately take Ms P out. The condo folks start the lawn sprinklers at 0630 so must delay our departure.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP and I stayed home and did my calisthenics. No Y today because the painter starts painting the ceiling in the kitchen and also the first coat in the basement.

He arrived at 0830. I did take Ms P on an early walk today.

Nancy got home about 1000. I got on my bike and headed to Panera. Panera had their AC cranked up and I could not get warm. Lodged a complaint.

Read sections of the WSJ and NYT. NYT had an article on how rich Americans moved money silently overseas using a Panamanian law firm. The devious ways they moved money around was very interesting.

Many articles today on the passing of Muhammad Ali. I really liked to watch him box. He was in a class of his own. I was not in favor of his stance toward the draft during the Vietnam era. Of course I also thought our involvement in Vietnam was a major blunder.

The elections in Peru and the UK’s upcoming vote on Brexit also caught my interest. China’s claim to big chunks of the South China Sea is before an UN arbitration panel. China says they will not recognize their decision. Is China the 500# gorilla?

After Panera I stopped at Macatawa Bank and then continued on my bike ride. Today’s ride was 16 miles.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco. We bought three dozen eggs at $0.45 per dozen. That is right, $0.45. These are 1950 prices.

Took a short nap. It is now 1800 and I will take a break to have a light dinner. Stay tuned!
After dinner I walked around the block. We are now watching Bloodlines on netflix.

Bird talk: Last night on my walk I saw a huge bird in a pine tree. It flew away before I could identify it. I thought it was an eagle. This morning I saw the bird and it was not an eagle but a buzzard.

Nancy put up a humming bird feeder on the deck. When writing this blog on the deck I saw a humming bird feeding. I forgot how tiny these birds are.

On this date in 1944 Allied forces landed in Normandy. It was the beginning of the end for Germany. I was six years old at the time. I do not recall the day.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday June 5, 2016

Weekend Update: Log time 1512 Sunday

Saturday morning and first thing we walk to Panera for breakfast. I had their oatmeal with sourdough toast and Nancy had a whole grain bagel. We both had coffee. In fact this is the same menu as every other Saturday morning at Panera. Boring?

Rain is predicted for this afternoon so I wanted to get my bike ride before it starts. I rode 15 miles.

Nancy had several errands to run today to get ready for tonight. We are having the Namey’s over for dessert after dinner at the Euro Bistro.

I cleaned up my mess around the house. Took Ms P on her nature walk.

Spent some time reading the NYT and WSJ. I am not any smarter.

We had a brief shower in the afternoon. We met the Namey’s at 1800.

The Euro Bistro was not very crowded when we arrived but within 30 minutes it was full. We always rate the EB as an A. I think the Namey’s did too.

Nancy fixed a blackberry/raspberry dessert over ice cream (sugar free of course) for dessert. It was very good. We drank coffee and talked until 2100. A very pleasant evening.

Sunday June 5, I beat the 0650 alarm. It was raining. This morning Nancy is going swimming at the Y and I am doing some calisthenics. I think the pool chemicals are causing a skin rash so I will forego swimming for awhile.

We encountered an electrical storm on our way to the Y. The Y closes the pool during an electrical storm. The storm was ending when we arrived and Nancy got her swim in.

We did not need much at Meijer’s today. I did fill up the Taurus and gas was $2.60.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. It was too wet for the nature walk. I took a short nap.

Yesterday I fired up our new dehumidifier and this afternoon I emptied it. It pulled 50 pints out of the air is less than 24 hours. I think that is pretty good.

As soon as I finish this blog I will write checks for our 2nd quarter taxes and walk it over to the mail box.

Nancy is warming up some of the lasagna we had last week for dinner. After dinner we will take a short walk and then finish reading the GRP. Probably watch some TV before turning in.

On this date in 1938 it was also a Sunday. Ossineke, Mi: Great grandfather Sanborn said they had morning thunder showers. GGF is trying to sell some property and he had some folks come over to look. He spent the afternoon watching Ossineke play Greely Grange in baseball. Sadly Greely won.

Alpena County had a baseball league made up of teams from small communities in the county. My Grandfather Scott did not miss a home game when Hubbard Lake played. The Hubbard Lake team was made up of farm boys from the area. When working on my Grandfather’s farm in the summer he would insist that I go to the game. Not a bad way to spend a summer’s Sunday afternoon.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday June 3, 2016

Log time: 1800

Bob and Nancy are sitting on the deck drinking wine. Another great sunny day. The present temperature is 82. GR has 15h12’ of sunshine.

Our busy day started at 0630. I did all my calisthenics at home today. Nancy headed to a class at MVP.

The painter, Randy, arrived at 0830 and he immediately started patching holes in the dry wall caused by our recent installation of new ceiling fixtures. He patched the drywall and on Monday will paint the ceiling.

Randy’s next task was to strip the wallpaper in the lower bath. I was surprised at how easy the paper came off.

Nancy and Randy spent some time selecting a color for the bath. They finally decided on a light brown. The bath will also be painted on Monday.

The job of replacing the kitchen counter tops with quartz is becoming more involved. The original sink was a non-standard one and the closest one we can find will require some carpenter work under the sink. We need help, someone who will turn key the project. Randy gave us the name of a contractor. Nancy called them and will meet with them next week.

Kim came today to clean. The house looks great.

Around 1000 I got on the bike and headed to Panera. I thought I had canceled the WSJ but I was still able to download today’s edition. So I read both WSJ and NYT. They both are all wrapped up in the election. I really am getting tired of all the election news.

The jobs report came out this morning and all the cable business news channels had a hissy fit. The sky is falling, the Feds will not increase the interest rates and the market will crash. They need to get a life.

After Panera I took a 15 mile ride. Quick lunch and then Ms P and I went on our nature walk.

Short nap and then Nancy and I sat on the deck drinking wine. For dinner Nancy fixed chicken breast and corn on the cob.
Tomorrow night we are going out with the Namey’s. Nancy made reservations at Euro Bistro. Euro Bistro is less than a mile from the condo. After dinner we will meet at the condo for dessert. Glad Kim came today because we have a super clean house.

We all took a short walk and I continued on an additional mile. We watched some netflix before turning in.

Thursday June 2, 2016

Log time: 2120

Another great day in GR, sunny sky and temps in the 70s. Busy day for Bob and Nancy, Nancy started the day with a swim and I biked to the Y and performed my standard routine.

I read the NYT at Panera. Hope the Pacific trade pact makes it through congress before the election. All three candidates are against it. Dumb. Free trade is good for USA.

I have decided that I can not support either Trump or Clinton. I am voting Libertarian.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her nature walk. Nancy had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. She got a good report.

I did at load of laundry. The painter is coming tomorrow to patch and paint the kitchen ceiling. He is also going to strip wallpaper and paint the downstairs bath. I had to clean out the bath. I moved a free standing cabinet, a mirror and towel hangers. It took about 90 minutes.

I needed a small bolt so I could hook up the cabinet. I headed to ACE and bought a bolt, nut and washers for $0.29. At Costco I bought wine, mouthwash, eye drops and the UM tee.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Sundance. We both had their scrambled eggs and ham. It was such a nice evening that I took a walk around the block.

Watched Marseille on Netflix. Nancy does not like the French dialogue with English subscripts. She went to bed after the first episode and I watched the second. I like this show.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday June 1, 2016

Log time: 1650

Today is my easy day. In keeping with it name I slept in until 0730.

Nancy headed out early to MVP but I dilly dallied around the house before getting on my bike and riding to Panera.

I had an oatmeal breakfast. Yesterday I cancelled the WSJ and started the digital edition of the New York Times. I was surprised the NYT is cheaper than the WSJ. Also the NYT has four more editions each month.

I read several world new articles and the left leaning NYT like the right leaning WSJ played it straight. In both papers only on the Opinion pages do you get the the paper’s bias.

I was getting tired of all the business news. Who cares what the Fed is going to do. I will give the NYT a month.

The weather folks said it would rain later this morning. When I left Panera it looked like rain but did not get any on the 7 miles ride to the Y.

Today I went swimming. Twenty laps. The pool was crowded but I did not have to share a lane. I heard the reason the pool was busy is that folks are training for a triathlon.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her nature walk and then went on a solo mile walk. Still no rain.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were not busy.

I took a short nap. Soon as I got in bed it started to rain. Good timing.

I have been wearing khaki pants lately. Never have liked jeans. Nancy has a great steam iron that I can use to press my khakis. It does a great job. Yes folks I can iron.

We have finalized our late August trip to the northern Rockies. This afternoon I did some banking to get all the bills paid. On-line banking is great. I just hope it is secure.

This evening we will have a light dinner. If the rain stops a walk around the block is possible.