Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday February 29, 2016

Log time: 1920:

I will not write this days blog for another four years. Happy Leap Year!

The temperature this morning was a mild 30 but winds were 30 mph making the walk to the Y uncomfortable.

I did the normal routine at the Y. Had my coffee and banana at Panera. The WSJ had articles on Super Tuesday, the Academy Awaards, and the effects of lead on the body.

I watched an interesting interview with Warren Buffet on CNBC. He made some interesting comments. Warren thinks Sanders would be wrong but likes Hillary. I agree with most of what Mr. Buffet says.

I got home at noon so we could finalize our plans for the trip to Ireland. Talked to our travel agent and agreed with the schedule she proposed. We are heading to Ireland on April 17. April 17 is also the birthday of Grand Daughter Alessandra.

I took Ms P on her walk before eating lunch. I ran several errands this afternoon. Stopped by Village Bike Shop to see what they had to offer, not much. At Ace Harware I bought a 1"x 8" x 8' pine board. I am going to make holder for the mineral block I set out for the deer. Speaking about deer, Nancy looked out the back window after dinner tonight and saw eight deer. They are herding and looking for food.

I took a short nap before dinner. It is now 2000 and we are watching Damages on Netflix. At 2100 we will watch Major Crimes on TNT.

Big Snow coming tomorrow. March will come in like a Lion!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday February 28, 2016

Log time 1705, Sunday Feb 28:

Weekend Update:

Saturday February 27: Nancy and I had breakfast at Panera. We walked to the restaurant in bright sunshine with temps slightly below freezing. The sidewalks were only partially clear so the walking was a challenge. The staff at Panera are beginning to recognize us as Saturday regulars.

As soon as we got home we grabbed Ms P and headed out to Lake Odessa. We are attending an Antique sale. It was called Cabin Fever Sale. The place was jammed so I am assuming most of the folks like Bob and Nancy did indeed have cabin fever. I almost bought a Red Ryder BB gun for Steve. It is the same gun that stars in the movie A Christmas Story. I got the same gun for Christmas around 1948. It was every little boys dream. Alas I did not buy it.

The road leading into Lake Odessa was completely reconstructed in the early 90s. The design was done by Scott Civil Engineering. A very short stretch of the road lies above some weak soils. We designed an innovative solution for building over the weak soils. It did not work. The bituminous surface cracked. The Road Commission had to repair the cracks about every six months. The crack is known as Bob's Crack. I am happy to report that the cracks appear to have stabilized.

I took Ms P on her walk before having lunch. After lunch I walked over to the Cascade Library to read the WSJ. I think Peggy Noonan had a spot on Opinion Piece.

Took a short nap and then Nancy and I headed out to the restaurant at Boulder Creek Golf Club. We met the Moleski's. I had their perch while Nancy, Tom and Linda had the prime rib. All the food was good.

Debbie facetimed tonight and we had a good time catching up. Nancy showed Debbie a picture of all our snow and asked her if she missed it. Debbie replied NO!

Finished the evening with another episode of Doc Martin.

Sunday February 28: Swim day for Bob and Nancy. The pool was crowded this morning with all eight lanes in use.

Gas was $1.74 per gallon at Meijer's today. I filled up for under $20. On Sundays I get my coffee at the Starbucks in Meijer's. I get Nancy a hazel nut coffee at Panera. Panera is right on our way home.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I also had link sausage. Watched some morning news and then took Ms P on an early walk. It is suppose to rain this afternoon. I took my Sunday nap. Nancy also took a walk around the block. I paid some bills and then walked over to a mail box on Charlevoix and mailed them.

The Academy Awards on TV tonight. I have not seen any of the movies up for an award. We might watch them.

Thing one thinks of while walking.

Cars I have owned that are no long made: Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Mercury and Plymouth.

Cars I have ridden in that are no long manufactured: American Motors, Checker, Crosley, Desoto, Hudson, International Harvester, Kaiser, Mercury, Nash, Packard, Reo, Saturn, Studebaker, Willys-Overland.

Think Spring!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday February 26, 2016

Log time: 1735

Another day with temps below freezing. This morning on my walk to the Y only 28th Street sidewalks were plowed.

I am pleased that my time for the mile continues to go down. My goal is to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes.

Panera was not very crowded this morning. I had my usual coffee and a banana.

Al Gore is on Apple's Board. I wonder what is feeling is about Apple's fight with the FBI. As I said before I am on Apple's side.

The GOP debate last night seemed like a circus. I did not watch it.

Unlike the GOP candidates I believe immigration is good for the USA. I would tear down any wall along the borders. I am also a free trader.

It is hard to believe that the USA is shipping LNG to Europe. Take that Russia! All because of fracking. Fracking is a game changer.

I don't care about the Academy Awards.

I am thinking of changing my daily newspaper. Maybe the Chicago Tribune?

As soon a I got home I took Ms P on her walk.

After lunch I put three shirts in my backpack and walked over to the Tailor's on Thornhills. I am having the shirts altered so I don't have to tuck them in. It only works on pull over shirts.

Nancy and I decided on an Irish trip for the end of April. I called the Travel Agency and told them to get the ball rolling.

For dinner tonight I will have some left over beef stew and pizza from last night. Sounds good?

This and that:

You know your are getting old when the swim suit issue of SI and Time arrive on the same day and you read Time.

The local road agencies did a good job clearing the roads after our big storm. I remember as a boy in the 40s the use of salt was not prevalent in clearing roads. After a big snow folks would put chains on their tires.

The worst of our winter weather is over. The historical average daily high temp for March is above 32. Any snow will soon melt.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday February 25, 2016

It snowed most of yesterday and all last night. Schools were closed and Tahoe Road had not been plowed when I left for the Y this morning. Nancy decided to stay home. We had 8" of new snow on the ground. The sidewalks had not been plowed so walking through deep snow was not easy. I wore my Costco snow pants and boots. They kept me warm.

The Y was not crowded. I did my routine and then walked to Panera. Panera turned the heat up today. I had to remove several layers. The snow pants were too warm. The sidewalks were still not plowed when I left Panera. I had to walk in the street.

At home I removed my sweaty clothes. I took a shower.

Before lunch I got in the Cobalt and drove to the tailors to pick up several shirts I had altered.

Ate my normal lunch and then headed out to the Dentist.

I had a new crown installed. The Dentist had a rough time getting my partial plate to fit. He had to yank and pull but finally got it to fit. I hope this is my last trip to a Dentist except for cleaning.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to JT's pizza. JT's is 0.7 miles from the Condo according to my iPhone.

Nancy had a salad and I had their Hawaiian pizza. JT's has the best pizza in GR.

We just watched Rake on Netflix. I gave it a B+, Nancy did not rate.

The snow has stopped and should be gone by this weekend. Today we have 11h04' of daylight. The days keep getting longer.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday February 24, 2016

Log created on Wed at 1740

It's Back! and with a vengeance. Winter Storm Warnings have been posted since yesterday.

Easy Wednesday so I planned breakfast at Panera and then walk to the Y for an easy swim.

Windy but no snow on my walk to Panera. I had their oatmeal and sourdough toast. I gave the oatmeal bad marks today.

The news in a nutshell: Trump wins Nevada, the military and President are in disagreement over Syrian strategy, folks over 40 can cut in line in Brazil, Saudi Arabia will continue max pumping and nobody agrees on what to do about Guantanamo.

It was snowing heavy when I left Panera at 0930. I got almost to the Y when I got a call on my phone saying my eyeglasses were ready. I turned around and headed home. Truth be told I really did not want to go swimming.

I tried on the eyeglasses and they were not correct. The Eye Doc will get me a new frame and lenses.

At home I started to take Ms P on her walk. She balked! Apparently she does not like to walk in a blizzard.

I ate lunch, did a load of laundry and took a nap this afternoon.

Nancy came home early from the Gardens today. They only had 4 visitors this afternoon.

I took out the trash and then ended the afternoon with a short walk.

We could not get any TV so I got out a broom and swept off the dish. It worked.

The snow is going to continue all night.

Light dinner tonight and then some TV. I am reading a good book so I hope to turn in early.

Nancy just called me and said I have to sweep the dish again. Think Spring!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday February 23, 2016

Log time: 1950

The weather folks say we are viewing a Snow Full Moon. The moon was bright and full when Ms P and I went out at 0700. It was purdy.

If folks don't get Spring Fever today they are dead. It was a perfect day. 30 degrees and sunny when I got on the bike and headed to the Y. At 1030 when I left the Y the temp was in the low 40s. Perfect.

Business at the new Panera seems to be picking up. The place was crowded this morning.

WSJ had several articles on the June vote in the UK on staying in the EU. Most folks, me included, think it would be a bad move to exit the EU.

I bypass all articles on the primaries. What will be will be. I am not on the average voter's wave length.

The stock market goes up and then down, yet everyone say the economy is fine.

Gas prices have been going up. Meijer's today had gas at $1.67. The world is appears to be swimming in oil.

Flint is not the only city in the US with lead problems. Most older cities used lead pipes from the water main in the street to the house. The house also had lead pipes. GR has a program for replacing the lead pipes. The city loans a home owner money to replace his lead pipes. The loan is paid off over several years by a small addition to the home owners water bill. Is the replacement of lead pipes in a home the citie's responsibility?

It was such a nice day when I got home that I took Ms P on a hour walk. I took her leash off when we reached the golf path. She spend 30 minutes running free.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and started errands. Stopped at the Chow Hound and bought a pooper scooper. At Ace I bought a LCD bulb that they say will last 23 years. I will be 100 when it burns out.

At the Apple Store I bought a cable so I can connect the TV in the basement.

Took a short nap and then walked around the block. I had my pedometer on and it is 1.25 miles around the block.

Nancy fixed a great beef stew for dinner. Super!

We watched NCIS and now are watching Poirot on Acorn.

Our nice weaather ends tonight. Storm warning are up and six inches of snow is predicted for tomorrow.

On a happier note today we had eleven hour of daylight.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday February 22, 2016

Log time 1930

Temp was 30 at 0815 when I got on my bike and pedaled to the Y. My new bike route to the Y is exactly 6 miles. The bike trails were clean and dry.

It appears more folks have abandoned their New Year's resolution because the Y was not very busy. I did the standard routine before heading to Panera.

WSJ spent a lot of time on the Presidental primaries. I continue to marvel at Trump's success. I would never have consider him a viable candidate. Just goes to show you how out of touch I am.

I keep reading about our efforts in Syria to defeat ISIS and contain Assad. Russia appears to be have the diplomatic upper hand. In other words they are eating our lunch.

At home Nancy wanted to go to Costco and Dick's Sporting Goods so we got in the Taurus and headed out. We bought wine, pickled herring, car floor mats and grapes. Nancy needs some swim fins so we checked out Dick's. No luck.

After a quick lunch I gathered up our tax data and headed to our accountant. The Accountant I have been using since 1983 sold his firm to a large tax preparation firm. I hope I still get personal service. Time will tell.

At home I took Ms P on her walk. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

We live one block from one of the busiest streets in MI. Despite our proximity to traffic we have a lot of wild life. Yesterday Ms P and saw two muskrats swimming in a pond next to 28th. We also saw a hawk. I have been feeding two deer in our backyard. Nancy said I should quit putting out corn because they are attracting skunks. Deer I like but not a big fan of skunks. We have many geese and ducks in the ponds in our back yard.

Light dinner and then we watched the news. It is now 2030 and we are watching Major Crimes on TNT. Think Spring!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday February 21, 2016

Log time: Sunday 2040

Swim Day Sunday: Nancy is first in the pool and when I arrive only one lane is left. I think folks are hearing about the great pool at the Y so getting a lane can be difficult.

We did not need many supplies at Meijer's today. In fact I think this was our lightest purchase since we moved to the condo. Filled up the Taurus for less than $20.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We watched some Sunday news shows and then I took my normal Sunday nap.

The weather the past couple of days has been super. The temps have been above 32 and the snow is gone and the pavements are dry.

It was such a nice day that I took Ms P on an extra long walk.

I spent several hours syncing our iPhones and upgrading the phone's operating system.

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed her home made pea soup for dinner. It was great.

Debbie facetimed us tonight and we had a nice talk.

Watched an episode of Doc Marten before turning in.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday February 20, 2016

Log in time: 2020 Saturday

Temp never got below 32 last night. It was sunny and warm when Nancy and I headed out at 0800 for Panera.

We had our usual oatmeal and bagels for breakfast. The wind was still very brisk. Walking home was nice because we had the wind at our back.

It was such a nice day that as soon as I got home I pumped up bike tires and headed out. I wanted to measure the miles to the Y on a route I planned on using every day. I had to buck a strong head wind on my ride to the Y. It was six miles.

I worked up a major sweat so I checked in at the Y and took a shower. After the Y I headed to Meijer's to mail a letter and decided to stay and get a coffee and read the WSJ. Apple is right, Trump is wrong, the stock market is confused and the Middle East is a mess. So much for the news.

I took Ms P on a walk and then had a quick lunch.

Spent the afternoon updating software on Kindle and iPhone.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked over to Leo's for dinner. I had clam chowder and two hot dogs. Nancy had toast. Leo's is 0.3 mile from home.

Not much on TV so we watched a show we recorded and then switched to Apple TV to watch Doc Martin. I love that show.

Our warm spell is over the temps tonight will drop to 30. No snow in sight for several days.

Friday February 19, 2016

Log time: Saturday 1941

Friday morning and the weather folks say warm today but very windy. Walked to the Y and did my thing.

Yesterday when it was so cold I really bundled up. Stepped on the scale and found out I had 20 pounds of clothes.

Bright sunshine when I left the Y but had difficulty walking into a steady 40 mph wind. Wind gusts at the GR Airport reached 70 mph, Friday.

Had my coffee, banana and read the WSJ at Panera.

At home I took Ms P on her walk and then had lunch.

The temps were in the 50s and the sun was shining so I got in the Taurus and headed to the car wash. Me and everyone else in GR.

I took a short nap. At 1700 Nancy and I put on our concert clothes and headed downtown. We had dinner at the Bull's Head. I had the salmon and it was great.

We attended a GR Symphony concert. Nancy liked the concert. Brahms and DeBussey were the main attractions.

We got home at 2230 and headed to bed. No time for TV. Lately we have been watching Acorn on Apple TV.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday February 18, 2016

We had a nice clear night so the temp this morning was 9. I left all bundled up but in bright sunshine. Sunshine trumps everything.

Did normal routine at the Y. At Panera I was so bundled up that I had to shed several layers to be comfortable.

Should Apple provide the Feds with code to unlock iPhones? I think Apple is right. As soon as the Feds get their hands on the code the Chinese will have it within 24 hours.

I hope the polls are wrong when they say Sen Cruz is leading the GOP. In fact this afternoon I voted, absentee, in the MI GOP primary. I voted for the Ohio Gov.

Nancy took Ms P to the groomer today. She also is getting her teeth cleaned.

The groomer called about 1530 and told Nancy Ms P was ready. She headed out and I followed. I walked to Macatawa Bank to pay our annual safe deposit box fee. Stopped at Cascade Twp office to drop off our ballots. Next stopped at a Tailor shop to get some alterations done.

Took a short nap before dinner. Nancy fixed steak and ale pie from Trader's Joes for dinner tonight. It was very good.

Watched the news and read GRP before watching Big Bang Theory. It is now 2114 and we are watching a British Mystery on ACORN. Acorn is on Apple TV.

Single digit temperature this morning but tomorrow the high temperature will be 50. What a difference a day makes.

I got my 30 minutes in today. Is is especially important in winter to get outside every day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday February 17, 2016

Log time 1927

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and head downtown for the meeting. I was surprised at how heavy traffic was on the freeway at 0630.

Today's speaker was Maureen Kirkwood. Maureen grew up across the street from us on Mackinaw. She is now Executive Driector of a non-profit called Health-Net. Maureen gave a well received talk.

After BC I drove In bright sunshine to Starbucks in Breton Village. I spent about 40 minutes reading the WSJ and then headed out to the Y.

Today I went swimming. I swam 1,000 yards.

After the Y I drove back downtown and bought tickets to a Broadway Theater Guild performance, Book of Mormon. The play is on June 27.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Before leaving she started my laundry so it was done when I got home. I hung up the laundry and took out the trash before eating lunch.

I had a short nap. Took Ms P on a walk. Finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

We had a light dinner. It is now 2000 and we are going to watch the "Mysteries of Laura". Might finish the evening with a Doc Marten episode.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday February 16, 2016

Log time 1745

The warm up continues. It was 27 when I headed out. Tuesday morning and the Y was not crowded. The New Year resolution folks must continue to drop out.

I did the calisthenics and running before walking to Panera. Panera was very crowded this morning. Justice Scalia and who will succeed him still dominates the news. Russia and Syria seem to be getting the upper hand in the battle for Alleppo. Turkey and the USA are still not on the same wave length. Confusion prevails as the US tries to muddle through.

We still have a nice white layer of snow everywhere. When I was a boy I always looked forward to a new snow. The new snow would cover up the black soot laden snow. The black soot came from house chimneys spewing smoke from our coal burning furnaces. I did not know anyone who did not burn coal. Coal is dirty, dirty!

As soon as I got home we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We stocked up on cheese and wine. Nancy was looking for some gardening gloves that Debbie said were super. Gardening gloves in CA but not yet in MI although Costco did have some spring stuff our already.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on a two mile walk. Followed the walk with a short nap.

Light dinner and then I will read the GRP and watch NCIS. I look forward to reading the paper edition of the GRP. Reading the paper after dinner is an enjoyable ritual.

This date in 1938, Ossineke, MI. GGF Sanborn wrote that it was cold this morning, 10. His only other entry was that he and GGM Sanborn attended a church dinner at the Blanchard's.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday February 15, 2016

The weaather has finally moderated. It was 19 when I left for the Y. The weather man said we had a trace of snow. How many traces does it take to make an inch?

Today is a Federal Holiday. As lot of folks must have the day off because the Y was crowded with work age adults.

I did my normal calisthenics and finished with a 1.6 mile run. My mile time is now 30 seconds faster than when I started in early January.

Pleasant walk to Panera. Since no stock market today I did not think I would get a WSJ. Surprise they published a limited edition. The death of Justise Scalia dominated the news.

I had a quick lunch and then headed to the Dentist. Today he removed a crown, filled a cavity and make a whole bunch of impressions. The new crown must fit around my existing bridge. I was lucky, I thought I would need a new bridge.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a short walk, 1.25 miles. This was our first walk in a week.

I took a short nap. We had a light dinner. It is now 2000 and we are watching Damages on Netflix. At 2100 we will watch Major Crimes on TNT.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday February 14, 2016

Log in at 1645

Happy Valentine's Day: In grade school we exchanged Valentine cards. I always wanted a big one from the cute little redhead. Never happened.

Valentine Day 1964 Vietnam: Five single Navy officers in my outfit. We each got a card from Mom. No cards from single girls in the USA. Way to go MOM!

This morning was the coldest of the winter, 1 degree with WC at -10. Swim day for Bob and Nancy, we each swam 1,000 yards. The Y keeps the lap pool at 80. Nancy thinks it is too warm but it is perfect for me.

Gas at Meijer's was $1.54. Weekly fillups have been less than $20 for the last month.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and sports page before taking my Sunday nap.

I always liked Justice Scalia. We were on the same wave length. I think the thing I liked most was his friendship with Justice Ginsburg who was his polar opposite. I wish other public officials would use this friendship as a template. We can disagree but still be nice. Buy your enemy a beer. It works wonders.

We really like our new 50" TV. This afternoon I finally got our Apple TV to work.

This morning we had two deer visit our mineral block. They also ate all the corn I set out. I never tire of watching wild animals.

Spent some time on the computer trying to find a cad system for my iPad. No luck so far.

Nancy is fixing meatloaf sandwiches for dinner. We will watch 60 Minutes and then netflix.

Nancy has an Amazon Prime account so last night she ordered me a leather holster for my iPhone. Free shipping is great.

AJ called us this afternoon. She wanted to wish us Happy Valentine. Nancy beams when she can talk to the grandkids.

The weather folks say our cold spell is over. Temps above freezing later in the week.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Saturday February 13, 2016

Saturday at 2025:

The cold continues with temps in single digits this morning and wind chill in minus numbers. Nancy and I drove to Sundance Grill for breakfast. Nancy had their ham-de-scram and I had fried eggs, potatoes and toast. I was hungry for fried eggs. No oatmeal this morning.

As soon as we got home I got in the Cobalt and ran errands. First stop was Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. Bought bird seed at Ace Hardware, a lottery ticket and gas at Meijer's. Drove to Woodland Mall looking for a leather holster for my iPhone 6+. No luck but I did get a coffee at Starbucks and read the WSJ.

At home I assembled all our tax info. We are now ready to take our data to the Accountant.

I had to get my 30 in today so I bundled up and went on a 3 mile walk. Today was the coldest walk of the year.

I was so cold when I got home I turned on the electric blanket and took a nap.

Nancy fixed her world famous chili for dinner. It was great.

Debbie facetimed us tonight. We had a nice talk. Love FaceTime!

It is now 2130 and we are watching Poirot on Netflix.

Tonight will be the coldest night of the year. Think Spring!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday February 12, 2016

Log time: 1919

The weather folks call it a Polar Vortex. What ever happened to an Alberta Clipper? Anyway it was a super cold morning with wind chills near zero. I really bundled up for my walk to the Y. I knew I would be walking into the wind so I covered my nose. I was still cold when I got to the Y.

I did the routine super fast in order to warm up. With wind at my back the walk to Panera was tolerable. However, I did take a tumble on an ice patch. No broken bones or bruises.

I get very confused when I read about Central Banks charging negative interest rates, or devaluating their currencies. The WSJ had several articles trying to explain these actions. They did a great job confusing me even more.

At home had quick lunch and then we all got in the Taurus and headed to Family Foods. Family Foods had a special on chicken breasts.

I took a nap this afternoon.

For dinner tonight we ate at Leo's. Leo's is 0.3 miles from the condo. We both had soup and a sandwich.

Nothing on TV tonight so it will be a Netflix evening.

The cold will continue through Sunday.

As a boy I would love this cold weather because it was great for playing hockey outdoors. In fact during my High School years I never played hockey indoors. Indoor hockey is for sissies.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday February 11, 2016

Logged in at 1615

The winter chill continues. Temps in mid teens with wind chills near zero. I really bundled up this morning. I was glad I brought a scarf to cover my nose. I was still red-nose Bobby when I arrived at the Y.

I did the standard routine and then headed out to Panera. I had the wind at my back so the walk was not bad.

The primaries are dominating the news. I really am not interested.

The stock market plunge seems to confuse all the experts. I really think maybe I should not read business news. What will be, will be! (what does that mean)

At home I got out my drill and made some alternations to the book case that our new TV rests on. I moved the cable box to a lower shelf. Every thing is back working ok.

Spent time in my office cleaning up and reading mail and back issues of National Geographic.

I am driving Nancy to her 1700 hair appointment. After we will head to Great Lakes Shipping for a prime rib sandwich.

It looks like a netflix evening. The cold will continue for the rest of the week. Single digits for Friday and Saturday nights.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday February 10, 2016

Writing log @ 2030

Wind chills in single digits this morning. Wednesday my easy day so after a leisurely start to the day I bundled up and walked to Panera. I had oatmeal and sourdough toast with my coffee. The NH primary dominated the news today. I was glad the Ohio gov came in second. He is my choice.

After breakfast I walked to the Y. Today I swam 1,000 yards. The walk home was not too bad because as had the 20 mph wind at my back.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. After her shift she is going to her Book Club.

Wednesday is my day to take out the trash. I also put out more corn for the deer.

After these chores I got in the Cobalt and headed to Costco. I had a slice of pizza for lunch and then looked at TVs.

Luckily I brought a tape measure because the box for a 50" TV looked to big for the Cobalt. I measured the box and then the car. The box would fit. I bought a new 50" smart TV. It is Bob and Nancy's Valentine Day present.

At home I started playing TV musical chairs. I moved the TV from the den to the master bedroom. The bedroom TV was moved to the kitchen and the kitchen is now in my office.

Nancy came home at 1630, changed clothes and then headed to book club. I unpacked the TV and then took a short nap.

It took a while but I finally got the Smart TV to work. I was surprised that a 50" weighs less than 25#. Our first color TV in 1966 must have weighed over 100 pounds.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday February 9, 2016

Log on: 1745

Winter returns, temp in mid 20s this morning with high winds.

Today is swim day at MVP for Nancy so she heads out at 0700. I have decided not to swim on days I do calisthenics. Too much strain on shoulders.

Bundled up but had to walk into the wind so it was uncomfortable.

Tuesday and the Y was not crowded. Most folks must follow a MWF routine.

Calisthenics followed by a 1.6 mile run. Sound familiar? Boring?

The walk to Panera not too bad because had wind at my back.

Plenty of news on the NH primary. I did not read. I will know the true story tomorrow morning.

Syrian and Russian offensive on Aleppo is creating a big humanitarian crisis. I would like to see Assad defeated but how to accomplish this is something I don't know. Do you think Ted Cruz knows? Fat chance.

On my way home from Panera I stopped at Macatawa Bank to cash a check.

Before taking Ms P on her walk I put on her coat. She does not like it and I don't know if it provides any warmth.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and ran some errands. First stop Chow Hound to buy a mineral block for the deer. Next I stopped at Costco to replenish our wine, peanut butter and cheese supply.

I put out the mineral block and more corn for the deer. This morning we had three deer eating the corn.

Took a short nap and then headed downstairs. Tried to download a single photo from the iPhone to Nancy's iMac with no luck.

Nancy is fixing roasted veggies for dinner. Today we got a paper copy of the GRP so I will read this evening. We will also watch NCIS and netflix.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday February 8, 2016

Monday at 1730:

I stayed up last night and watched the Super Bowl. I was surprised at how good Denver's defense was.

Slept in this morning. Today will be our last spring like day for awhile.

It was 30 and sunny when I left for the Y. The Y is still jammed on Monday mornings. I did my calisthenics and then ran 1.6 miles.

The morning TV news and WSJ were all talking about how the GOP Governors running for president are finally beginning to assert themselves. About time. I want a candidate with experience.

We like the Kurds. Turkey our best ally in the Middle East does not. A real pickle for the USA.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a long walk. The temperature was in the mid 40s, sunny and with no wind. The snow is gone so we took our nature trip along the abandoned golf cart path. It was very pleasant.

The birds and deer have been hungry lately. I replenished their supplies.

I took a nap and then headed downstairs to clean my desk. I talked to my Dentist about my big appointment next week. Ordered Jeans from LL Bean. Paid bills.

Light dinner tonight and then we will watch the news. It looks like a netflix evening.

Lately in the evening I have been reading back issues of SI, Nat Geo and ENR. I don't think I will ever catch up.

My iPhone weather app said it will start snowing this evening and snow every day this week. Winter is back.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunday February 7, 2016

Log time 1630

Super Bowl 50 Sunday: I guess you are old if you can remember the first one.

The alarm goes off at 0655 and we get ready for our Sunday swim.

The pool was crowded this morning but we each did get a lane.

Since Trader Joe's has opened we do not buy as many groceries on Sunday at Meijer's.

Gas today was $1.51. I still don't get why low oil prices are a drag on the economy. We save at least $20 per week from a year ago.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle.

The weather folks said it will be raining at 1500 so I took Ms P on an early walk. We walked 1.5 miles.

The weather has been very mild lately. The temp was above freezing last night and the snow is almost 90% gone. Colder weather is coming later this week.

I don't think the warm weather in Jan and Feb is healthy. The real cold weather kills all sorts of bugs.

After the walk I read the funnies and then took my Sunday nap. Do young folks read the Sunday funnies?

After the nap I had a quick lunch and then headed downstairs to read my mail and write this log.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs and soup for dinner tonight. We will watch the Super Bowl. I do not have a favorite.

Today several friends asked me to be their friend on Goggle+. What is Goggle+?

Think Spring!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday February 6, 2016

It is now 1900:

This morning Nancy and I followed our new Saturday morning routine. We walked to Panera for breakfast.

As soon as we got home I got in the Cobalt and started running errands:

First stop was the Chow Hound to buy corn for the deer. Today instead of shelled corn I bought corn on the cob.

Second stop was Meijer's where I bought No-Tie shoe laces for Nancy.

Next I stopped at the Kent County CU to get cash.

Stopped at DeVos Place to purchase tickets to the Play "Book of Morman". The box office was closed.

Finally stopped at Breton Village to check out khaki pants. Neither Fitzgerald's or Orvis had what I wanted.

At home put out corn for deer. Then took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk.

Quick lunch and then a nap. Finished the afternoon with a walk around block.

Not much on TV tonight so we will watch some Netflix.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday February 5, 2016

Friday @ 1630

First thing this morning I looked out the window and my corn pile was gone. The deer are sneaky because I looked out the window several time last night and saw no activity.

Finally we have sun. I enjoyed my walk to the Y in sunshine. The weather folks said that the lack of sunshine in Jan nearly set a record.

Did the calisthenics and then ran 1.6 miles.

It was snowing and dark and gloomy when I left the Y. Bummer!

I was hungry when I got to Panera so in addition to coffee I got a banana.

Hillary Clinton's dealings with Wall Street are beginning to haunt her.

Donald Trump no longer seems to dominate the news. That is good news.

The Syrians and Russians are on the offensive creating another hostage crisis. I think the Russians might regret their disregard for Turkey. Turkey can be a formidable foe.

Bill in Congress would require young women to register for draft. I have really mixed feeling about this!

My new sports glasses are not working right. I called the eye doc and will go in this afternoon.

Like yesterday I stopped at Macatawa Bank on my way home. I needed a bunch of $2 bills. Periodically I send a bill to the Grandkids. I really don't know why the $2 bill is not more popular?

Kim cleaned this morning and the house looks nice.

After a quick lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed downtown. The eye doc agreed my sports glasses were not right. They will correct the problem.

At home took Ms P on her walk. I filled the bird feeder and put out more corn for the deer.

We are having dinner tonight at Vitales in Ada.

Nothing on TV tonight so I looks like a netflix evening.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday February 4, 2016

I lost my previous attempt at writing this log, so I am starting anew: 1650

Happy Birthday Akerke Scott. Today Grand daughter Akerke (AJ) is eight . I remember visiting AJ in Kazakhstan. I thought she was cute then and still is. Missy has been a great mother for a very special girl. Go AJ!

Finally the temperature is below 32. It was snowing when I left for the Y and it continued snowing all day.

Today is my normal swim day but I decided to row instead. Swimming and snow are not compatible.

On my walk to Panera I stopped by Meijer's and bought a dollar lottery ticket. We won $4.

Flint water and the New Hampshire primary are still being covered heavily by the WSJ.

Speaking of NH did you know that Hampton, NH was named by an ancestor, 12 generations ago. Hampton is an shorten version of South Hampton an English seaport that was the departure port for the Sanborn family on their trip to NA in 1632.

On my way home from Panera I stopped by Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim. Tomorrow Kim comes to clean.

After a quick lunch I did some chores around the house. First I put out more corn for the deer. They have found our corn pile and I need to put new corn out daily. I also changed an outside light.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office.

Tonight we are having dinner at Panera. A bowl of soup on a cold day sounds good.

We will watch the news and expect at 1900 AJ will FaceTime us.

It looks like a netflix evening. I got my 30 in today did you?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday February 3, 2016

1730, this is post #2,261

Heavy thunder storms rolled through last night. Yes, thunder storms in February!

We knew the storms were coming so we gave Ms P a pill. It worked.

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I am up with the 0545 alarm.

Temperature was above freezing so no ice problems on my drive downtown.

Very small turnout this morning. Speaker owns a home health care company.

Bottom line don't get old or sick because home health care is expensive.

After BC I headed to the Y. Did my routine at 50%.

Had coffee and a chance to read WSJ at the Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

The Pols in Washington can not fund improvements to the air-traffic control system. Improvements are long overdue.

Feds are making a criminal probe into Flint water crisis. It is not criminal it is stupidity.

Speaking of Flint, Clinton and Sanders are having a debate in Flint. This is why folks don't like grand standing politicians.

The Zika virus is serious. Might impact summer games in Brazil?

Rain was predicted for early afternoon so I took Ms P on her walk as soon as I got home.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

I got a LinkedIn message saying Debbie has worked at Apple 7 years.

During lunch I watch CNBC for business news. Today folks were whining that the stock market was going down. Two hours later it rallied. Go figure!

Light dinner tonight and then some TV followed by netflix.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday February 2, 2016

It is now 1730:

I no longer call this writing a blog, it is a log of the day's activities. A log is easier to write.

Swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy is out of the house at 0730.

Temperature was in high 20s when left for Y. Sidewalks were bare making walking easy.

As usual calisthenics followed by the swim. Swam 1,000 yards.

All eight lanes of the pool were full, but I did not have to wait.

Water aerobics classes are very popular, especially among all the old folks.

Panera was crowded this morning. They have trouble keeping up with coffee demand.

Light roast and hazelnut are the most popular.

I keep running into folks I know from my engineering days at Panera.

Speaking of old co workers, I signed up for LinkedIn but really don't know how to use it.

I Goggled a fellow Navy officer from Vietnam and he came up on LinkedIn.

I contacted him and he replied. Mike retired from the Navy after 30 years. He retired as a Captain. He lives in DC area.

I remember that Mike was a Stanford grad and his birthday is February 29 which will make him 76 this year.

The Iowa election dominated the WSJ.

As a result of yesterday's vote we might have: Our first woman, first person of Jewish faith or first Latino for a President.

Isn't America Great!

Rain is expected around 1500 so as soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. We walked 1.5 miles.

Sure enough at 1500 it started to rain.

Worked in office and then took a short nap.

After dinner will read the GRP, watch the news and NCIS. End the evening with an hour netflix show.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday February 1, 2016

2030 sitting in den watching Netflix.

Usually write blog on Pages and then paste.

Problem with Pages is cannot get space between paragraph.

I am writing this entry using the blog format.

Monday morning and Nancy left first and then after breakfast I headed out to the Y.

It was 33 and it looked bare pavement. However, I encountered a lot of black ice.

The Y on Mondays is always crowded.

I did the calisthenics and then ran 1.6 miles.

Walked to Panera for coffee and the newspaper.

George Soros and other hedge fund guys are shorting China currency.

I really don't know what shorting is but I would not want to bet against the Chinese government. They eat outsiders.

Finally today the folks in Iowa get their chance to vote.

My GOP favorites are not even on the radar.

I had a quick lunch and got in the Cobalt and headed to Great Lakes Chemical.

GLC is applying paint sealer to the Cobalt. It took 90 minutes.

It was such a nice day Ms P and I took a 1.5 mile walk.

Took a short nap.

Debbie wanted a tax form from our 2015 returns.

I scanned the form and emailed it to Debbie. Isn't technology great.

We had a light dinner and watched the news. We are now watching Poirot on neflix.