Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday October 30, 2014

Thursday October 30, 2014 Nancy went swimming this morning. She swam 25 laps, 1250 meters, which is a great distance. Way to go Nancy. I have changed my schedule. I slept in until 0715 and then had a leisurely breakfast. I don’t want to ride my bike in the dark so I waited until sunrise, 0815. It was in the 30s this morning so I bundled up and pedaled to MVP. Next week with the end of DST I can leave earlier. I did all my calisthenics at MVP. I am also adding a 2,000 meter row. After MVP I pedaled to Panera Bread for coffee. We live in a dangerous world. The WSJ had an article on the Russian Air Force running probing missions against the NATO countries. Turkey, Syria and Iraq are also dangerous. Despite my objection to our involvement in the Middle East I read all the articles about the conflict. The interplay between countries is interesting. Does the Obama administration understand diplomacy? A senior administration gave an interview where he called the Prime Minister of Israel, chickshit and a coward. Didn’t this guy go to Sunday School? I had a quick lunch and then we all got in the Taurus and headed to Northwest Bedding on Leonard. Nancy is still looking for a sofa. They had a good selection but Nancy is not sure of the color. We will return with pictures of the chairs in our living room. I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. After a short nap I started writing this blog. Nancy is fixing pork chops for dinner tonight. We got a paper edition of the GRP so I will read that and watch some TV.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday October 29, 2014

Wednesday October 29, 2014 Breakfast Club today so I am up at 0600. My ride to BC is an adventure because I am driving on the Interstate. Driving 70 mph in pitch black conditions with bumper to bumper traffic is difficult. We had a real small turnout. Many members are getting ready to head south for the winter. Speaking of heading south my sister, Helen, left last week for AZ. Today’s speaker is starting a brewery and restaurant in Cedar Springs. It is modeled after the Hofbrauhaus House in Munich. He was really knowledgable about beer and beer making. Did you know that hops is now grown in MI? We now have 47 microbreweries in Kent County. It was raining when I left BC. The temperature today will remain in the 40s. Stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village for coffee. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I took a short nap and then a long walk. The recent high winds and rain have stripped a lot of trees of their leaves. Frost tonight and snow on Friday. The nice thing about a condo is that I have no yard work. I just looked outside and saw four contract yard men blowing leaves into large piles for pickup. Light dinner tonight and then some network TV. I might look in on the World Series game. I have no favorite. This date in 1938, Ossineke, MI: Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that they had a heavy frost last night creating 1/4” of ice on pond. In the morning he refilled a gasoline container. In the PM he picked up a potential buyer and brought him to the barn to see the tractor GGF was trying to sell. He was a salesman to the end.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014 No bike ride this morning because of the heavy rain. I got in the Cobalt and drove to MVP. I did all the calisthenics at MVP. Stepped on scale and weighed 155#. Lightest I have been in 36 years. No sugar is the answer. Stopped at Panera. I read everything on the situation in Syria, Turkey and Iraq. Why are we trying to solve problems in a corner of the world that has been in turmoil for years? We did the same thing in Vietnam. I will be glad when next Tuesday rolls around because no more political ads. I called Macatawa Bank and found that their notary was in the bank. Nancy and I drove to the bank and got our Lady Bird deed notarized. Lady Bird? We also drove to a fireplace shop to get an estimate to convert our downstairs fireplace into a unit that generates heat. $3,000. Presently I am using an electric heater and it works fine. Nancy is fixing me salmon for dinner tonight. Typical Tuesday evening read the GRP and watch NCIS. It was warm today but the temperatures will fall this evening. Snow predicted for the weekend.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday October 27, 2014

Monday October 27, 2014 DST cannot end soon enough. Sunrise today was at 0810. I do not like to pedal my bike in the dark. Nancy headed out a little after 0700 for a MVP class. I did my calisthenics at 66%. My leg is looking much better. I have two more days of antibody pills. Ms P is also near the end of her required pills. She also is getting better. The legal system moves slow. We have just received a legal document regarding adding the condo to our trust. We purchased the condo in July. Anyway the document must be signed in front of a notary. I stopped by our bank and asked if they could perform this service. They can but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I forgot to notify Amazon of my change of address so they sent an order to the Mackinaw address. I stopped by and picked it up. I also stopped at the Chow Hound to buy more dry food for Ms P. I ended the morning at Panera for coffee and the WSJ. I arrived back home at 1230. Today was a perfect fall day. The temperature was in the low 70s. Tonight the temperature will drop to the low 40s. Normal temperatures are: high 56, low 38. A lot of trees have lost all their leaves. I took Ms P on a short walk. I also took an easy 50 minute bike ride through the neighborhood. I rode on every street in the three condo associations that make up our neighborhood. The condo units were all built on an old golf course. Most of the golf course remains as green space but one very large apartment complex is being built on an old fairway. The neighbors living near the apartments are really mad. I hear a lot of complaining at Panera. I got an email from Esquire magazine today asking me to convert my print edition to digital. The same thing happened with US News. Is there even a US News today? I asked our neighbor how much candy we should get for Halloween. She said in 21 years she had not had anyone stop by her house. Last year on Mackinaw Nancy said we had over 300 kids. My drooping right eye is starting to droop again. During my first episode, September 15, with the leg infection I was given five days of steroid pills,. A side effect of the steroids was that my eye popped open and has remain so until yesterday, over six weeks. I continued to take a low dose of mestinon for the eye. I will increase the dosage tomorrow.

Sunday October 26, 2014

Sunday October 26, 2014 Up at 0700, no MVP today because we are going shopping at IKEA, Trader Joe’s and the Tangers discount mall. The first two stores are near Detroit and Tanger’s is located just west of Howell. First stop was IKEA. We made several small purchases. At Trader Joe’s we replenished our two buck Chuck wine supply. Also bought boxes of soup, cookies and crackers. Why can’t they build a TJ in GR. I went crazy at the discount mall. I purchased items from Bass, Under Armor, Jockey and Ralph Lauren. Nancy just bought a pair of shoes at Bass. Got home at 1800. Ms P weathered the trip well. Nancy and I each had a bowl of Wendy’s chili for dinner. Watched some TV and read the GRP before turning in.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday October 25, 2014

Saturday October 25, 2014 Nancy and I ate breakfast at Sundance. The parking lot looked full but plenty of tables were open. After breakfast we stopped at Meijer’s so I could buy a lottery ticket. We also filled up. Gas was $3.17. I walked to Panera for coffee and to read WSJ. The news was dominated by Ebola and the Kurds. I continue to think we should get completely out of the Middle East. Too many bad guys and I don’t think we want to help the best of the worst. On my way home I walked to the Crown Plaza Hotel to see if they had a restaurant. They do. Had lunch and then took a short nap. The UM/MSU game started at 1530. I watched most of the game. UM was totally outclassed. I remember as a boy UM/MSU games. My mother was a great UM fan. My dad MSU. On several game days I would go partridge hunting with dad at his hunting camp. We would have a picnic lunch and then head home to listen to the game on radio. That is right on the radio. No TV in Alpena. Ms P has been under the weather with her bad back. Today she seemed much better so I took her on a short walk. Nancy fixed me hamburgers for dinner. It is now 1920 and we are sitting in the den watching the news. We will watch Elementary and then maybe a netflix show. Today was a beautiful fall day. Sunshine and clear skies. Heavy winds today are blowing the leaves off the trees.

Friday October 24, 2014

Friday October 24, 2014 Nancy goes to class at MVP and I do calisthenics at home. After breakfast I drove to medical lab to get some more blood work done. On way home ran several errands. I had a nice talk with Carol Smith the owner of SCECO. Carol said business was busy. She brought me up to date on what is happening in the CE industry. Spent the afternoon cleaning my desk. I did take a nap. Another great fall day. Peak color but leaves falling fast. Tonight we attended a Symphony concert as guests of the Moleksi’s. We had dinner at the Bull’s Head. I enjoyed the concert. Can you believe that?

Thursday October 23, 2014

Thursday October 23, 2014 Nancy goes swimming today and I do some mild calisthenics. I am feeling better but the leg is still swollen. AM: Got in Cobalt and ran errands. Dropped glasses off to get new lenses. Picked up shoes and new frame from Chic’s. I had a photo of my Dad and his siblings framed. It looks good. Stopped at CU and got some cash. Returned sink stainer to Modern Hardware. At Sprint ordered a new iphone 6 Plus. Finally had my morning coffee at Panera. PM: Took Taurus to Dr Kutsche’s office. I had a 1510 appointment and Nancy was getting a flu shot. We did not leave until 1700. The Doctor made no recommendation as to my leg treatment. Keep doing what the skin doctor said. I paid for this advice? Ms P had an appointment at 1800 so we stopped at Rylee’s to kill some time. The Vet determined that Ms P had back problems. We were given two prescriptions to adminster. We got home at 1900. We had a light dinner. Read the GRP. Watched Hinterland on netflix.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday October 22, 2014

Wednesday October 22, 2014 Easy Wednesday for me but Nancy attended a class at MVP. Nancy drove me to a 1000 appointment with skin doctor. Leg is improving, keep up the pills and cream. Doctor also said I could have a glass of wine. Nancy worked at Meijer’s Garden this afternoon. I took nap, walked Ms P, and drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription. It froze last night. 0800 temperature was 30. 1750 temperature 50. Sunny all day. Light dinner and TV before turning in.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Sunday Normal Sunday, swimming at MVP, shopping at Meijer's, and a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs. Took an afternoon nap and then at 1530 we drove to the Moleski's for dinner. A total of seven folks were there. About 2000 I became very chilled. On our way home my teeth were chattering so loud that Nancy could hear it. I bundled up and turned the electric blanket on high. Monday: It was 0400 before I warmed up. When I got up I saw the cause of my problem. My right leg was swollen and very red. Called the skin doctor, Dr Yurko, and as luck would have it I saw the Doctor that morning. The leg looked the same as an earlier breakout on September 12. Dr Yurko thinks I have an infection but she cannot identify the source. She give me some prescriptions and I am to see her on Wednesday. Nancy, bless her soul, has been waiting on me these past several days. We watched Big Bang and then a netflix. Tuesday: Nancy was up at 0700 so she could go swimming. I spent the entire day at home. I got a lot of reading done. Nancy and her friend Kathi went to a movie this afternoon. I was checking on my computer this afternoon and saw that I was paying twice for the WSJ. When I enlarged the bill I saw a phone number. I called and got a refund. Today we get a paper edition of the GRP. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in. I think I know the source of my infection.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday October 18, 2014

Saturday October 18, 2014 Another day with no sun. It was cold and windy today with spotty rain. We went out for breakfast. We tried a new place called Manna Cafe. It is on Forest Hill Avenue. The food was good. We gave it a B. After breakfast drove to Modern Hardware on Kalamazoo. We purchased a sink strainer and an electric drill. Next we drove through the old neighborhood on way to CVS. 1555 Mackinaw looks the same. We got home about 1200. It looked like the rain had passed through so I bundled up and took a 90 minute bike ride. Today I decided to pedal my standard 90’ ride in the opposite direction. It was actually an easier ride. On several hills with heavy leaf cover I had difficulty getting up the hill. My wheels would spin in the wet leaves. When I got home I took Ms P out in the back yard which was part of the old golf course. We walked through the abandoned fairways. Despite the ground being wet I think Ms P likes running in open fields. I ended the afternoon with a nap. It is now 1740 and as soon as I finish this blog I am driving over to Wendy’s for a bowl of chili. I will bring it home. Nancy still has difficulty chewing. She had a bowl of soup and a bowl of ice cream. I watched the end of the MSU game. It will be a netflix evening. I got my 30’ in today. Heavy frost is expected tonight.

Friday October 17, 2014

Friday October 17, 2014 Another gloomy but busy day in West MI. Completed at home routine and then pedalei to Panera. Pedaled into a heavy wind on way to MVP. Shoulder is still acting up so I swam only breast stroke. Seems to work. At home we all get in Taurus to run errands. Stop at Art Van to look at sofas. We need a single piece that is over 90” long. Did not find what we wanted. Checked out sofa stock at Talsma’s. Several pieces looked ok. Nancy is still pondering. Nancy returned an item at Kohl’s. While she is at Kohl’s I stopped at Apple store to look at the iphone 6+. I want to know if the phone is too wide for special pocket in pants and vest. The phone fits. I really like the wider screen. Last stop is Costco. Nancy buys a cheese tray for Sunday dinner at the Moleski’s. After quick lunch I took a 90 minute bike ride. The leaves are falling fast. In several areas I cannot see the bike path for the leaves. Short nap and then at 1730 head to Romano’s Macaroni Grill. We met the Horlings for dinner. We had a great meal and conversation with our friends. Got home at 2030 and watched netflix, Inspector Morse.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday October 16, 2014

Thursday October 16, 2014 After the morning calisthenics I drove to Panera for a quick cup and a chance to read the first sections of the WSJ. At 0915 we drove to Nancy’s doctor to have the stitches removed. Nancy is now off all pills and can resume her normal activities. I took the Taurus to the dealer for an oil change. I looked at all the new cars. It is hard to find a car I want that is less than $30,000. My first new car in 1964 cost exactly $2,000. I stopped at ACE Hardware to buy sand paper. I have to sand the kitchen drawer that I repaired so it will fit better. After 15 minutes of sanding I got tired. I took a 90 minute bike ride. Finished the afternoon with a nap. No good shows on network TV so we watched netflix. First the Blacklist and then Midsomer Murders. Netflix was a good investment.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014 Breakfast Club Wednesday. Up at 0600 and had to hustle to make the 0700 BC start. 70 mph on I 196 helped. Good talk today on mental health problems in community. Stopped at Modern Hardware to pick up hinges for kitchen drawer. Also bought a new key for the Cobalt. Needed new key because the old key was recalled. Will GM ever get it right? Nancy is feeling better and tomorrow the stitches come out. We took Ms P to the dog groomer. The Groomer is located next to Horricks so we stopped in and bought a bird feeder and seed. Took a two mile walk before lunch. Continue to clean garage. At 1400 we headed back to the Groomer. Ms P was not ready so we end up at Lowes. Need a cover for our deck table. Lowes had a cover but I thought it was too small. Must go home and measure. Picked up Ms P. Headed back to Lowes and bought the last table cover. Finished the afternoon with another two mile walk. Nancy fixed acorn squash, turkey sandwich, and cauliflower soup for dinner. It was great. I spent over an hour putting hinges on the kitchen drawer. I have no mechanical skills. We watched Mysteries of Laura and then the Blacklist on netflix. We are near peak fall colors.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday October 14, 2014

Tuesday October 14, 2014 Woke up to a dark gloomy day. Rain predicted for all day. I drove to Panera for coffee. Ebola and ISIS dominate the news. I have lost all interest in the 2014 elections. A POX on all politicians. When I got home it looked like the rain had stopped. I started walking but quickly turned around when it started to pour. The best thing to do on a gloomy day is to take a nap. I complied. After the nap I ran several errands. I stopped at our bank and asked why I was given a new credit card but Nancy was not. I used my card at Home Depot. Home Depot was hacked so the bank gave me a new card. Nancy did not use her card at Home Depot. I also stopped at Costco to get some cheap wine, Pinconning Cheese and figs. Took Ms P on a short walk. I then walked two miles. We had a light dinner. Will spent the evening reading the GRP and watching NCIS and NCIS NO. I just starting reading the latest Ken Follet novel. I really like it. I hope everyone got 30 minutes outside today. I did.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday October 13, 2014

Monday October 13, 2014 Normal Monday: Calisthenics, breakfast and a 90 minute bike ride. After ride drove to bank, Township office to buy mail box number and finally to Panera to read WSJ and drink coffee. I am surprised at the lunch business Panera does. Quick lunch and then I replaced two bulbs in outside lights. Took picture of my old bike so I can sell it on Craig’s List. Hung up my single speed bike and cleaned the garage. The previous owners left a flag pole that we don’t want. I found a hack saw and cut the pole up and put in trash. We have had a light drizzle all day. The weather folks say we will have rain most of the week. I took a short nap. Nancy made a special dinner tonight. She cooked me a salmon filet, an acorn squash, and salad. It was great. It is now 2021 and we are watching Big Bang. Next we will Blacklist on Netflix.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday October 12, 2014

Sunday October 12, 2014 Alarm goes off at 0700 and I head to MVP. Nancy still cannot go swimming. The pool was crowded but I was able to get my 30 minutes in. Came home and picked up Nancy and Ms P. We head to Meijer’s. Gas today was $2.99. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Read a few sections of the GRP and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. Took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I then took a 2 mile walk. We had a light frost last night. As soon as the sun came out the temperature climbed to 63. Another beautiful fall day. Soup and sandwiches for dinner tonight. No netflix tonight. Network TV and the GRP will occupy our time. I got a text from Missy today saying that the Art Prize winner was a friend of hers at Amherst. Do you know any famous people? I don’t.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday October 11, 2014

Saturday October 11, 2014 Slept in until 0700. We had a light frost last night. I wanted it to warm up before my bike ride so I drove to Panera for coffee and the WSJ. At 0850 I headed home to pick up Nancy. Grand Rapids Lighting Company is having a big sale today. The sale started at 0900 and when we got there folks at 0910 folks were lined up outside the doors. We did find a floor lamp that we liked for our den. We saved 40%. We also stopped at Bath and Beyond and bought a front door boot tray and several night lights. When we got home I got on the bike and took a 90 minute bike ride. I took a different route today. The weather was great. Fall bike rides are the best. Quick lunch and then ran several errands. I bought another pair of compression running socks. I stopped at Home Depot to see about covers for our deck furniture. We don’t have much storage space so I thought maybe we should just buy some covers and leave the furniture outside. Home Depot did not have any covers. For dinner Nancy fixed carrot/apple soup for herself and lobster bisque for me. It was great. I assembled the floor lamp and put it in the den. It fit well. We watched the first half of the UM game and now we are watching “Hinderland” on netflix. Did you know Nancy’s dad played football at Penn State?

Friday October 10, 2014

Friday October 10, 2014 Calisthenics at 90% today. Coffee at Panera. Went on 90 minute bike ride. It was a cold ride with temperature in the 30s. Cold but sunny. No frost last night. Took the Chevy to get an oil change. The car is five years old with only 22,000 miles. 1730 drove to Great Lake Shipping. We met Neil, Kay and daughter Ruth Molenaar. Neil and Kay are visiting from their home in Washington State. Ruth lives in GR. The Molenaar’s were neighbors on Mackinaw. We spent a very enjoyable two hours talking about old times. Finished the evening watching a show on Netflix.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9, 2014 At home calisthenics at 80% Biked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read WSJ. Can’t get into pool until 1100 so I read most of the WSJ. Nothing important to report. The pool was jammed today. Every lane was taken. My weight continues to stay below 160. The colors are really great. Enjoyed the bike ride to MVP and back. After quick lunch I head downtown. First stop is Chics to get a photo of my dad and his siblings framed. The photo was taken in 1922. Kind of Hubbard Lake Gothic. I had an eye doctors appointment today. My eyes have not changed so no new prescriptions needed. Took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. Lately Ms P has not walked with a limp. I think the joint medicine is working. Nancy cooked me a pork chop, salad and beans for dinner. Today Nancy got a package from Harry and David. It was ice cream. Ice cream is something Nancy can eat with no pain. Debbie sent the package. Veronica called this evening. She wanted to tell Nancy how happy they were that the tumor was cancer free. Nothing on TV so it will be a netflix evening. I got my 30 minutes outside today, did you?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8, 2014 Wednesday my truly easy day. It is cool, mid 40s, but sunny. Had an egg/ham/cheese breakfast sandwich at Panera. Read WSJ. Nobody listens to me. We should be out of the Middle East. Stocks fall because Germany sneezed. Go figure. Elections are coming but most of country is turned off by politics. The negative ads are terrible. Didn’t any politician ever go to Sunday School. I think Asian carp in the Great Lakes would be a serious problem. After coffee I took a 90 minute bike ride. Stopped at Ada Bike Shop and ordered larger tires. Nancy’s friend Kathi stopped by and left some soup for Nancy. A nice gesture. After shower Nancy and I ran some errands. Stopped at Walgreens and Health food store for some lotions. We also stopped at fire place store to see if they are working on making the ground floor fire place able to generate some heat. They promised an estimate soon. We are looking for a floor lamp for den. Stopped at Klingman’s to see if they had any. They did not. REALLY, REALLY GOOD NEWS. Nancy’s tumor was cancer free. Nancy got flowers from Scott Team in LB. Drove the C2 to Ada Bike store to pick up bike. I think I will like the larger tires. I took a nap. I had cereal for dinner and Nancy had some of Kathi’s soup. After dinner took Ms P on walk. Tonight will be a netflix night. Neil and Kay Molinaar lived next door to us on Mackinaw. They moved to WA state many years ago. They are visiting GR this week. We are going out to dinner on Friday.

Tuesday October 7, 2014

Tuesday October 7, 2014 Up at 0645, pitch black. DST can not end soon enough. Coffee and WSJ at Panera, then pedaled to MVP. I was only person in either the lap pool or thermal pool. Great morning to ride bike, the fall colors are great. Falling leaves and rain make riding surface slippery. I think I will get larger bike tires. Quick lunch and then I head to Costco. Bought eye drops, sandwich rolls and wine. As I was leaving Costco a heavy thunder shower rolled through. I was soaked just running from door to car. Kim comes tomorrow so I spent some time cleaning up. Also brought up fall/winter clothes from storage. Nancy is getting better but still in pain. Had tomato sauce with whole wheat pasta, salad for dinner. Debbie facetimed Nancy. Also talked to Veronica Scott. Watched NCIS and NCIS NO. Also read GRP before turning in.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday October 6, 2014

Monday October 6, 2014 Up at our normal 0645 and did the calisthenics. Once again we had rain this morning. I was going to ride my bike but not in rain. I finally decided to drive to MVP for a swim. I got in the pool at 1000 and had the pool to myself. I swam 30 minutes. At noon we had a break in the weather so I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. After a quick lunch I drove to Dr Kutsche’s office to get my flu shot. I did take a 30 minute nap at 1515. I woke up to thunder. A heavy thunder storm moved through the neighborhood. We had heavy rain for about 30 minutes. At 1600 I drove Nancy to Dr Sprik’s office. He removed a drain tube from her jaw. The tube was inserted during the operation. Nancy said it really hurt when he removed the tube. The sky had cleared so as soon as we got home I took a two mile walk. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch Big Bang and then a netflix show. Lately we have been bombarded with some really nasty political ads. A pox on all politicians.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday October 5, 2014

Sunday October 5, 2014 Nancy’s first night home since the surgery and she said she slept ok. I went swimming today. I swam 900 meters in 30 minutes. Pretty slow. I have been on a diet and today I stepped on MVP’s scale and weighed 159. This is the lowest I have been in years. On my way home I stopped at Meijer’s and filled the cobalt up. Gas was $3.11 today. Gas prices in some areas of MI are below $3. At home I got a list of things I had to purchase at Meijer’s. I took the Taurus so I could fill it up. Both cars now have a full tank. Meijer’s is very convenient to our condo. It is about 1 mile away. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We read parts of the GRP and then took a Sunday nap. Yes Nancy also took a nap. After the nap I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I dropped her off and then took a two mile walk. We have had several days of rain and the soil around the condo holds water. It is like walking on a sponge. Today the temperature was in the 40s in the AM and now, 1715, it has reached 52, a typical fall day. The color is almost near peak. I have not seen a robin in about four weeks. My hands got cold on today’s walk. Ebola and Hong Kong seem to be the big news on the world scene. On the sporting scene last night I watched UM get beat and today the Lions got beat. I hope the Tigers can win one. Luckily MSU came through. Albion and Amherst both won their games. Because of the surgery Nancy is having trouble opening her mouth. Tonight she is having yogurt and ice cream. I am having sloppy joes. We will watch 60 minutes and then Madam Secretary before heading to bed. I did get my 30 minutes outside today. Did you?

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday October 4, 2014

Saturday October 4, 2014 Happy 9th birthday Lucas A Scott. I slept in until 0700. Bought several bagels at Panera and headed to ST Mary’s. Doctor Sprik had seen Nancy at 0800 and said she could go home. Nancy looked good this morning. We left at 1000. As soon as I drop Nancy off I head to Meijer’s to get her prescriptions filled. My sister, Helen, stopped by to see Nancy. Helen had just spent several days in NYC. She spent the night in Richland, Mi. It was nice of Helen to stop. We spent a quiet afternoon at home. It rained most of the day. Late in the afternoon I went on a 3 mile walk. It drizzled during the walk. Lucas called me while I was on my walk. It was a nice to talk to the birthday boy. The two deer Nancy saw last week were back. They were grazing in our back yard. Nancy had chicken noodle soup for dinner. I had a bowl of Wendy’s chili. Nancy also had a small bowl of ice cream. It is now 2023 and I am switching between the UM and MSU game.

Friday October 3, 2014

Friday October 3, 2014 Busy day today for Nancy and Bob. The alarm goes off at 0500. We have to be at St Mary’s hospital by 0600. We arrive on time. As soon as we arrive the staff starts getting Nancy prepped. The surgery is scheduled for 0730 and Nancy is wheeled into the operating room at exactly 0730. I head to the waiting room. Dr Sprik said the operation would take 3 hours. At 1030 Dr Sprik arrived in the waiting room and told me the operation went well. Nancy had a saliva gland on her right side removed. Nancy was pretty groggy when I visited her in the recovery room. Nancy has to overnight in the hospital. St Mary’s rooms are all single. Nancy’s room was nice. Nancy wanted to sleep so I left at 1300. Stopped at Wendy’s for chili. I had time to take Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. I arrived back at the hospital at 1700. It is hard to Nancy to talk so we watched TV. For dinner I stopped at Subway. Watched several netflix shows before turning in.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday October 2, 2014

Thursday October 2, 2014 We got up at 0645. I keep thinking that as soon as DST ends we will get up earlier. I just looked it up and DST ends Nov 2. Today sunrise is at 0741 but at the end of October sunrise will be 0815. I don’t like riding my bike in the dark. Today was a swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy headed to MVP at 0700 and was in the pool at 0730. I did the at home calisthenics, 75%, and then drove to Panera for coffee. Rain was predicted and I don’t like to ride the bike on wet pavement. I had time to read the WSJ from cover to cover. Ebola and the Middle East dominated the news. Did you know that Navy Civil Engineers and Seabees are building Ebola treatment centers in Liberia. The USA only sends the best. I was in the pool at 1100. Today I swam 15 laps, 750m. This is 75% of normal. As soon as I got home we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We are now buying our milk and eggs at Costco. I did buy a jar of pickled herring. Gas at Costco was $3.11. After lunch I took a quick nap. Ms P and I took a 1.25 mile walk. I also took a 2 mile walk. I still have not reached my 10,000 steps. For dinner tonight we headed to Shepard’s Bar and Grill. We both had a salad burger. Not much on TV tonight so we will watch a show on netflix. I will not watch Thursday night football. Pro football should only be played on Sunday. Speaking of football I watched the injury to the UM QB last Saturday. I thought the QB had his bell rung. I think the new UM President should fire both the coach and AD. We are heading to bed early. Tomorrow Nancy is having her surgery and we have to be at St Mary’s at 0600.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday October 1, 2014

Wednesday October 1, 2014 Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up at 0600 and downtown by 0700. Today’s speaker was BC member. Dr Dean is a retired Navy doctor. I always thought he was a windbag but today he talked on the Ebola disease. It was really a good talk. After BC I had several errands to run. We had the hinges on a drawer under the stove fall off. My first stop was Rylee’s Hardware and they could not help me. Next I stopped at Starbuck for coffee and to put some more money on my iphone’s Starbuck app. Do you think in my lifetime I will be able to do all my shopping using just my phone? I stopped at Lowe’s to see if they had the hinge. No luck! During cold weather I like to wear Under Amour’s cold weather compression long sleeve tee. I have one and they really keep me warm. I bought another at MC. Home Depot did not have the hinge. My last stop was the Cascade Twp office to pick up some yard waste tags. When I got home Nancy told me that she saw two deer in our backyard. This is our first deer sighting. I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. Today Nancy works at the Gardens. I drove her. On my way home I stopped at Modern Hardware looking for a hinge. I was directed to an old guy in a cluttered back room. I showed him the broken hinge. He spent about twenty minutes looking through catalogs and finally found the hinge I want. They are now on order. Lunch today was yogurt, an apple and cheese. After lunch I took a short nap. At 1600 I drove to the Gardens. Nancy’s shift ended at 1630. The Gardens is an Art Prize Venue. Nancy and I took a tour of the entries. We got home about 1730. I took a two mile walk. On my walk my fitbit went off telling me I had reached my goal of 10,000 steps. The morning was cloudy and cool. The sun came out this afternoon making for a great fall day. We had a light dinner. We will watch some TV and a netflix show before turning in.