Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday March 1, 2013

March came in like a lamb today. Although the temperature never got above 30 we had a lot of sun. I got carried away with my rowing this morning. I did 6,000 instead of my normal 4,000. I decided because of my extra effort that I did not have to go to the MAC. I showered got dressed and walked to the Kava House. I had time to read both the WSJ and DFP. Today the Governor is suppose to appoint an emergency fiscal manager for the City of Detroit. I am sure he will get a lot of flack. For some unexplained reason the Kava House was jammed today. I walked home in bright sunshine. After a quick lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown. We attended the Home and Garden Show. We walked around and the only thing we signed up for was an estimat to put a liner over our blue bathtub. As soon as we got home I took a quick nap. Tonight we are going a the OHNA's TGIF. We won't stay too late because we have to get up early tomorrow. We are driving to Detroit to shop at Trader Joe's and Ikea. We will not have any meatballs at Ikea. I got my 30 in today.

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