Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday March 6, 2013

The big storm missed us. It was in the mid 30s today but no snow. I had breakfast club today so I was up and out of the house by 0640. The club has a membership crisis. Five years ago they had over 100 members but today they have 50. Today we had a small turnout but I think a lot of folks were in warmer climes. For the past three years Gilda's Club in GR has been sponsoring a laughfest. The event lasts about 10 days. The Club brings in comedians to perform. The proceeds go to the Club which is involved in cancer issues. Laughfest has been a success. Today's speaker is the exective director of Gilda's Club and he gave a great talk on Laughfest. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House to read the papers and drink some coffee. I took the time to read both the WSJ and DFP. The DFP like the GRP only has home delivery three days a week. I think both papers have really gone down as far as quality reporting. It might be the sign of the times. I see that TimeWarner is trying to sell their magazines, Time, SI and Fortune. I subscribe to all three. The Kava House is usually cold in the winter. Today it was especially cold. I think I will change coffe shops until it warms up. I got the last bit of tax data in the mail today. I bundled up all the info and took it to our accountant, Jerry Dykema. Jerry has been doing our taxes for over thirty years. When I got home I took a short nap. After, I did some exercises and then took Ms P around the block. With above freezing temperatures the sidewalks are getting cleared of ice. After I dropped Ms P off I turned on my pedometer and took a walk. The pedometer said I walked 3.36 miles in 1h03'. I also took 7,200 steps. I don't know if I need all this data. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. Nancy said they had over 1,000 visitors today, mainly to see the butterflies. A big rumor going around GR lately is that Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are moving into town. The rumors are false. Too bad. For dinner tonight I finished the sloppy joes and Nancy fixed oatmeal. I watched the evening news until heading upstairs at 1900. Not much on TV tonight. I might watch a Bourne movie for the nth time.

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