Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday March 5, 2013

We now have 11.5 hours of daylight. Today the historical mean temperature reaches 32. It was bright and sunny when I left for the MAC at 0900. However the temperature was still in the teens. Today I did the tri and I hit all my milestones. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. Today's WSJ had an article on the EU making Cyprus present some data that its banks are not laundering money. I find the mechanics of money laundering very interesting. According to the article Russian gangsters are using Cyprus banks as their vehicle to clean up their illegal funds. I would like to read a good book on international money laundering. The jury is still out in the Kilpatrick trial in Detroit. When I left the Kava House the sun was gone and we were left with a cold wind. We might get some snow tonight. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and spent the afternoon cleaning my desk. I got the income tax data ready to take to the accountant tomorrow. We are switching banks so I got my new credit card activated. I continue working on the family tree. I have no data on my great grandmother Scott's family the Rayburns. I called my sister and she gave me the email address of Robert Rayburn's daughter who lives in NM. Robert Rayburn was my dad's first cousin. He graduated from West Point and retired to Ireland. That is all the data I have on the Rayburns. Nancy gave me a frantic call about 1500. Ms P had an accident. She threw up. I cleaned it up. I told Nancy that I am good at some things. Tonight Nancy is fixing dinner in the crock pot. It smells great. In fact she just called me to dinner. Tonight is our NCIS night.

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