Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday March 19, 2013

I shoveled at 0500, 0730, 0915 and 1300. The snow just keeps coming. It is now 1730 and temperature is 25. We can expect more of the same on Wednesday and Thursday before we get back to normal. I drove the C2 to the MAC today. I did the 1,000 yard swim in 29'20' today, a PB. I had my coffee and read the WSJ at Breton Village. When I got home at 1300 I shoveled. We got about 3" of snow between 0915 and 1300. I had a quick lunch and then read my mail (the USPO type). I spend some time on the computer before taking a short nap. Nancy had a Dentist appointment this afternoon. She is getting a new crown. Tonight we will have a light super and then watch the news and read a paper copy of the GRP. I will go out at 1900 and shovel. At 2000 I will watch NCIS. I said last night that I planned on finishing my book. It did not happen. Maybe tonight. Tomorrow I have Breakfast Club. Today our basement TV quit. I might buy a new one tomorrow. 75 years ago today in Ossieke, Michigan. Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that is was warm with temperatures up to 50. The Devil's River was high and all the chickens were out scratching today.

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