Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday March 3, 2013

Good grief I slept in until 0800 Saturday morning. This is the day we are going to the Detroit area for shopping. We started at 0900. Our first stop was a bagel/coffee shope to get some coffee and bagels. It was bright and sunny when we started but as we got closer to Detroit we ran into some snow. Our first stop was Ikea. We bought some wine glasses and several tools for the kitchen. I always like to look at the displays Ikea has of small ffurnished apartments. They had one for 600 square feet and another for 392 square feet. I could live in 600 sq ft but not 400. Nancy said if we lived in 600 sq ft we would be divorced in 6 months. I don't think so, maybe 9 but not 6. I keep reading that micro apartments are the rage in NYC. After Ikea we stopped at Trader Joe's. We bought a case of two buck Chuck. We bought some better wine to take as a gift when someone invites us to dinner. We also got soup, ginger snaps, trail mix and crackers. Our last stop was at a discount mall near Howell. Nancy bought several items. When we got home we had put almost 300 miles on the car. It was a nice winter's break. Nancy fixed turkey sandwiches and soup (Trader Joe's) for dinner. We also opened a bottle of 2 buck. Sunday morning was bright and sunny when we headed to the MAC. We both swam 1,500 yards. Gas ta Meijer's was $3.91. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I gathered all our inclome tax data to take to our accountant. Tonight we are having sloppy joes. It is now 1641. I will check to see the score of the UM/MSU game before going on a walk. Tonight we will watch 60 Minutes and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

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