Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday March 22, 2013

Spring is here Nancy and I saw our first Robin today. It was still cold early this morning, low 20s, but I decided to ride my bike to the MAC. No wind so the ride was pleasant. The sidewalks were still icy on my ride to the Kava House but the steel studded tires plowed right through the snow and ice. The WSJ and other business folks say the mess in Cyprus is serious for Europe. I have not lost any sleep on the crisis in Cyprus. However, I am concerned about the cost of health insurance for individuals and small companies. The cost of premiums is suppose to increase signficantly in 14. I thought Obamacare was suppose to lower premiums. Is this just a smoke screen by big insurance? When I left the Kava House the sun was out and the temperture was in the mid 30s. Kim was stilling cleaning when I got home. Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We are having five folks over Sunday for dinner so Nancy wanted to buy a cheese cake. We also bought some other supplies and a hot dog. I took Ms P around the block and then put my empty growler in my back pack and walked to Harmony. I filled my growler with a pale ale. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Panera for supper. I want a bowl of soup and sandwich and Nancy just wants a bowl of soup. We will watch some tournament BB before heading upstairs. I finished my book last night and started one on General Pershing's hunt for Pancho Villa. I hope everyone got their 30 in today.

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