Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday March 14, 2013

I knew it was going to be cold because last night the stars were out and the moon shown bright. It was in the mid 20s this morning with a very bright sun. It was a pleasant bike ride to the MAC. I had a PB for my 1,000 yard swim, 29' 20". After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The selection of a new pope dominated todays papers. It is nice to hear pleasant news every once in a while. Nancy had to work at the hospital this afternoon. In fact she had already left when I got home at 1330. I had a quick lunch and then because I got cold riding the bike I turned my blanket on full blast and took a 30' nap. After the nap I spent some time in the office. My sister did call me today and wanted to know if Dad had worked on the Manhattan project in Chicago. I told her I did't think so. I think Dad was involved with the expansion and maintenance of Army bases located in the US Army Corps of Engineers Chicago district. Nancy got home about 1630. Tonight we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Nancy had a prime rib sandwich and I had salmon. We watched the news and then I headed upstairs to do this blog. Veronica just called. She was at Lucas's baseball practice. The temperature was in the 70s. At 2100 we will watch "Person of Interest" before heading upstairs. 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi. My Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was 22 in the morning. The Devil's River was quite high and was over Bingham's fill. He mentioned that the radio and papers were full of a lot of foreign news. Interest in news must be a family thing. I am always amazed at how good a speller my Great grandfather was. I don't think he went to high school.

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