Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday March 25, 2013

This blog will cover two days, Sunday March 24 and Monday. Sunday morning the alarm went off at 0655 and we got right up and headed to the MAC. Because of our party tonight we only swam 1,000 yards. We had to stop at Miejer's to get some supplies. I filled up the Taurus and gas was $3.77. Ater the MAC Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon getting everything in place. Nancy started cooking while I did whatever chores Nancy had for me. I did not take a nap today. The guests starting arriving at 1600. We had wine and beer plus cheese and crackers and assorted veggies with dip. We had dinner at 1530. Nancy fixed a chicken dish with asparagus and a salad. It was very good. For dessert Nancy fixed a cheesecake with strawberries. After dinner we sat around and talked. Everyone says that talking is a lost art. I don't think so. The guests left at 2030. Nancy did herself proud. We spent some time cleaning up before going to bed. Monday March 25. About 0100 my stomach started acting up. I think I was hit with a 24 hour bug. I did not go to the MAC today. I wanted to let the old bod rest. I rode my bike to the Kava House and read the papers. I texted Steve to let him know that an old Little League mate of his had his picture in todays WSJ. It was snowing lightly when I left the Kava House. I had some bread with peanut butter for lunch. I took a short nap and then caught up on reading back issues of SI. I read 7 weeks worth of the magazine. We had a very light dinner. I watched the news and then headed upstairs to finish this blog. We got an e-mail from Ms P's Vet wishing her a happy birthday. Who sends a birthday card to a dog. Not much on TV tonight so I will head to bed early to continue reading about Pancho Villa and General Pershing.

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