Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday March 20, 2013

It was very cold this morning. Temperature was in the low 20s. This is the first day of Spring!! Last year it was in the 70s. One good thing about our recent cold snap is that the sap is really running from the maple trees. Maple syrup production is the best in years. Today was Breakfast Club. Today's speaker was from the K-9 unit of the GR Police Department. It was very interesting. Did you know that all the dogs come from Europe and commands are in Dutch. After BC I came home and got some banking materials. Ater 45 years I closed our 53rd accounts. I don't think the folks at 53rd really cared that I was severing our business with their bank. After 53rd I stopped and Macatawa Bank and the Lake Michigan Credit Union. I also stopped at Best Buy and bought a small TV for the basement. I did stop at the Kava House to read the WSJ. I had a 1330 meeting with our advisor at Wells Fargo. My final stop was at Kent County Credit Union. When I got home I debated if I should take Ms P out in the cold. She has been having some joint problems. I decided she needed to get out of the house. We walked around the block and then I took a 2 mile walk. I hooked up the new TV in the basement. It was very easy. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She fixed me a pork chop with dressing for supper. It was great. We watched some TV before heading upstairs.

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