Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday March 13, 2013

This is my easy Wednesday so I set the alarm for 0655. Of course I slept through it. We got a trace of snow last night so I had to shovel this morning. Despite the snow I still wanted to ride my bike. I got it out and rode to Bill's for breakfast. I was glad that I had my studded snow tires still on the bike. I had oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. The wind had picked up so it was cold when pedaling into the wind. At the start of winter I purchase a pair of insulated rubber boats. The boots are great when riding my bike on cold days. My feet stay warm. When I got home I got in the C2 to run some errands. My first stop was Meijer's. I bought some apples, shaving cream, trail mix and a new pooper scooper. This is my second scooper in two months. After Meijer's I stopped at a place called Bath Refix. The name is a misnomer. They do not reglaze tubs or make liners. All they do is rip out the old tub and put in a new one. This is not what we want. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. Nancy and I wanted to upgrade our trusts so I contacted our attorney. He recommended that since we originally established the two trusts the law has been changed and we should consolidate into one. It sounds like a good idea so I gave him the go ahead. I decided to do some exercises downstairs so I turned on the TV. It was 1406 and white smoke was observed at the Vatacan. I watched TV until they announced the new pope. I think it is great that they have someone from South America. I think there are over 300 million Catholics in SA. I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the family. I am finally getting a handle on the Scott side on the family. The Scott/Rayburn branch of the family have roots in Scotland. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She has book club tonight and must lead the discussion on MacBeth. I am going out for pizza with Tom Moleski. After pizza I hope to update the family tree before going to bed.

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