Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday 18, 2013

It was cold, 25, and windy this morning. We had a strong east wind and I had trouble pedaling against it. I followed my normal routine. It was drizzling when I left the MAC for the Kava House. I read the WSJ and DFP. The WSJ always has several articles that I find interesting. The DFP usually has nothing. I grew up reading the DFP and it is really dishearting to see how far it has fallen. The same can be said of the GRP. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then loaded our lawnmower into the Taurus and headed to the repair shop. It was snowing but I know that if I wait too long the shop will become overloaded and it will take weeks to get the mowere serviced. After the repair shop I stopped by the KCCU to make a deposit. I was so cold that I turned my electric blanket on full blast and spent 30 minutes under the covers. After a light dinner we will watch the news and some TV. I am 85% through my book and I hope to finish it tonight. The weather folks say we will get between 1" and 3" of snow tonight. Think Spring!

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