Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday March 1, 2012

March came in like a lamb. That means it will snow on March 31. On my bike ride to the MAC I swear that I heard robins. In fact I have heard them all week, however, I have not seen one yet. Thursday is my tri day so at the MAC I ran and swam. I do my rowing at home. After the MAC I stopped at Macatawa Bank and then headed to the Kava House. Today's WSJ had an article on several green energy businesses going broke because it takes so long for the Feds to approve their loan application. It doesn't take months but years. The article did a great job explaining the frustration of applicants. It always takes one more piece of paper. Anyone who has worked with the federal government knows that it is the most incompetent agency of government. State governments are nearly as bad but it has been my experience that local agencies are easiest to deal with. They are also the most competent. Maybe being on the bottom of the food chain helps. The DFP had several articles on the Emergency Manager law. This law allows the State of MI to appoint an emergency manager to local units that are nearly bankrupt. The law gives the manager considerable power. Public unions are opposed to the law and recently got enough signatures to place the issue on the ballot. I am pro-EM.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to start this blog and read my email. This afternoon I am going to read several chapters of the Magellan book. After reading several chapters I took a quick snooze. I had to deliver a package to a neighbor so Ms P and I took a walk. I just checked the daily average temperatures for March. Starting on the 5th the mean temperature is 32⁰. Spring is on its way.

I just got an email from a friend in Los Altos, Ca and he was saying how dry it has been in CA this winter. He is an avid skier and he said that he has been skiing on artificial snow. However, his favorite ski area just got 50" on new snow. That is a lot of snow.

We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We watched some TV then I headed to bed to watch the final Girl with Dragon Tattoo movie on my itouch.

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