Saturday, March 31, 2012

Friday March 30, 2012

It got down to the mid 30s last night. Ms P had to go out at 0430. I finally got out of bed at 0640. About 0700 it started to rain. At 0800 an electrical storm rolled through. Ms P went bonkers. I drove to the MAC in the C2. I do not ride a bike in an electrical storm. The MAC was not very crowded but I did spend a lot of time just talking with all the old retired folks. One member just got back from Ireland and he gave me an update on where to visit.

After the MAC I drove to the Kava House. Since I had to put money in the parking meter I only stayed an hour. I did not have time to fully read the WSJ. I did read about Blackberry's (RIM) problems. The competition in the cell phone business is brutal. I see that junk bonds are back. I sometimes wonder if I should buy some of these bonds, no. The European countries are still struggling to get their debt problems under control. The big problem is the cost of public pensions and the inability to lay off employees when times get bad. As a friend said give backs are a bitch.

Kim came today and the house is nice and clean. This afternoon I downloaded a set of bridge plans to check. Tonight Nancy and I are having dinner at Olive's in Gas Light Village. We had dinner at Olive's and both Nancy and I gave it a C minus. When we got home we watched some TV and then headed upstairs.

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