Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday March 21, 2012

Another warm night with all the upstairs windows open. Ms P and I went out at 0450 and I wore short pants. Today is Breakfast Club so I got up at 0600. Today's speaker was the President of GRCC. He gave a talk on the upcoming vote on raising our local property taxes about $25 per year in order to perform facility maintenance. He gave a good talk. I will support his request. The talk this morning at our table was the downside to all this nice weather. The fruit trees are all in bloom. Will a frost that we normally have this time of year ruin the fruit crop?

After BC I headed to Dr Mary's office to get a skin cancer spot zapped. I then stopped at the Kava House and read the WSJ. As I mentioned yesterday all the yard work has taken its toll. I now have a bad cold. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a long nap. I am glad today is my easy day. After the nap I read the GRP on line and paid some bills

For dinner I had a bowl of granola and some fruit. We watched some TV and at 2100 headed upstairs to bed.

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