Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday March 19, 2012

The temperature the past 3 days in GR has been warmer than CA. We had 83⁰ on Saturday, 73⁰ on Sunday and in the low 80s today, Monday. Did you know today is the last day of Winter?

On Saturday I rode my bike to "Bill's" for breakfast. When I got home from breakfast, I got in my car and headed to Meijer's. Meijer's is the only store in GR with yard waste bags. I bought 15 bags. I spent almost 4 hours in the afternoon raking the front yard. I am using a thatch rake so it is difficult to move through the grass. We were going to go out for dinner but I was too tired so Nancy cooked me some salmon burgers for dinner. We headed to bed early.

Sunday morning and Nancy and I were up at 0700 getting ready for our Sunday swim. We both swam 1500 yards. After the swim we came home and changed our clothes and headed to the Moleksi's for Sunday brunch. The Namey's and Tim Mask were also at the brunch. The food was very good. After breakfast we talked for about an hour before everyone headed home. I took a short nap and then headed outside to continue raking. I completed the east side. It took me about 3 hours. We watched some BB and then 60 Minutes before heading upstairs.

Monday morning and the temperature is going to reach the mid 80s today. After my at-home routine I biked to the MAC. I had my coffee at the Kava House. Both the WSJ and DFP had articles on Detroit's money problems. When I got home I ate lunch and then headed outside to finish raking. I did the back and west side yards. It took me 4 hours. We had cereal with strawberries for dinner tonight. It is now 2036 and I am writing this blog and Nancy is watching House. I hope to be in bed by 2130. My old boss Dave Despres several months ago gave me a book called "How the Scot's Invented the Modern World". I started reading it this weekend and find it very interesting. I spent so much time this weekend raking that I will spend tomorrow catching up. I hope to gather all our tax data for the CPA tomorrow. We are not 1%ers but we still have to pay our taxes.

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