Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monday March 5, 2012

Ms P was with Missy last night so I did not have to take her out this morning. I got up with the alarm at 0626. Nancy had to work at the gift shop today so she did not go to the MAC. It was cold this morning, 18⁰, but no wind and clear skies. I rode my bike. After the MAC I got on the bike and headed to the Kava House. Who should I meet at the Kava House but Missy who had just purchased her morning mocha. We sat and talked for about 40 minutes. I did not read much of the WSJ today because I had to get home to take Missy to the airport.

At 1400 Missy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the airport. I gave her a kick in the pants for good luck. When I got home I filled Missy's Kia up and gas was $4.04 per gallon. AJ, Ms P, and I walked around the block. It was still below freezing at 1600.

We had a light dinner. Nancy gave AJ a bath and put her to bed about 2030. She went right to sleep. I stayed up and watched a western on TV.

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