Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday March 16, 2012

Yes it is another nice day. It is now 1700 and the temperature is 75 and the sun is shining brightly. Ms P and I started the day at 0500. I got on my bike and headed to the MAC at 0830. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. Surprise! surprise!. The City of Detroit continues to whine about how bad the State especially the Gov is treating them. I think if I was the Gov I would tell Detroit "ok it is your problem so you solve it". Unfortunately I think the City would go bankrupt and then we would have to bail them out.

After a quick lunch Nancy , Ms P and I got in the Taurus to run some errands. Our first stop was Costco. I bought a case of Sam Adams and several gallons of mouthwash. We also got some food stuff. Next we stopped at Target so Nancy could buy some coke that was on sale. Our last stop of Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy some bath and kitchen supplies.

It was such a nice day I decided to take the lawnmower in to get its spring checkup. I get to the Fulton Street shop and was told they no longer service lawn mowers. So much for buying locally. I ended up at Rylee's and they will tune the mower up.

Tonight Nancy and I are going Mexican. We are heading to a small restaurant on 28th St. I hope to watch a NCAA BB game tonight.

Fifty Years Ago, March 16, 1962: Ensign Scott wrote his mother from Midway Island. Midway Island is a US Navy Base located in the Pacific Ocean 50 miles from tomorrow. I told Mom that we have had a lot of rain lately. We got 10" of rain on Tuesday. I also reported on my crime fighting activities on Sunday. I was the OOD for the base when at 0100 we got a frantic call from the nurse's quarters. It appears that one of our female nurses was taking a shower when she noted a set of eyes staring at her. She screamed and the peeper dove through a window to get out. Unfortunately for him the window was closed. In good police fashion I questioned the nurse and she did not see the peeper. A shore patrolman noted a trail of blood on the ground. We followed the trial and it ended up at the Bachelor Officer's Quarters (BOQ). The shore patrol did not want to enter the BOQ so I alone followed the trail inside. I was hoping it was not a senior officer because I might have a problem arresting him. It was a civilian who worked for a high tech Navy contractor. I arrested him and put him in the brig. The next day he was fired and put on a plane to Hawaii for trial. Another exciting day in the life of Ensign Scott.

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