Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday march 20, 2012

I took Ms P outside at 0500 and it was 61⁰. It is predicted that today, the first day of spring, will be the warmest March day on record. This dates back over 100 years. I got up with the alarm and even before I started exercising I was wiped out. Too much raking! I performed at 75%. Usually on Tuesday I have to share a lane at the pool. Today the pool was empty. I ended up at the Kava House and spent 90 minutes reading the papers. It is now 1700 and I can't recall any article that held my interest so I got out the Kindle to refresh my memory. I now know that Apple will pay a dividend. The owner of the Mets must pay $162M to the Madoff Trustee. I also read that the Madoff Trustee's law firm has been paid over $200M. It seems that the only folks who will benefit will be the lawyers.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a nap. I slept for over an hour. Nancy has had a cold the past week and I hope I do not get her cold. Luckily tomorrow is my easy day. I will watch NCIS this evening and then head to bed to continuing reading the book on How the Scot's Invented the Modern World.

With all the record breaking heat I wondered how things were in the year of my birth, 1938. I got out GGF Sanborn's log and found the day in Ossineke, Mi was warm 40⁰-50⁰. GGF went with a buddy to look at a 200' lot he was buying along US23. He paid $200 for the lot. In his later years GGF Sanborn dabbled in real estate.

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