Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday March 7, 2012

Ms P and I went out early this morning, 0430. The alarm went off at 0555 and I got right up because I have breakfast club today. The temperature was in the high 50s when I left for BC. We also had a bright full moon. The speaker today talked about Kent County's effort to preserve farmland. It is a public/private effort. I found it very interesting that farming in Kent County is an international business.

After BC I came home and got on the bike and rode around Reeds Lake. I stopped at the Kava House for coffee and to read my morning papers. I had to get home early because Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. After AJ had her lunch we took Ms P on a walk around the block. We then got in the C2 and headed downtown to pick up our business cards and notepads from the printers. Next AJ and I headed to the Gardens to see the butterflies. After AJ saw enough of the butterflies we went to the Children's area and AJ ran and climbed for about an hour. We did stop at the cafe for a cookie. AJ fell asleep on our way home so I drove around for about 45 minutes.

Missy skyped us about 1730. I think AJ enjoyed talking with her mom. Nancy is fixing a pasta for AJ this evening and I am having salmon burgers. We will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

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