Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday March 14, 2012

Wednesday, my easy day, except for taking Ms P out at 0500 I slept in until 0700. It is suppose to be warm and sunny today. With DST is does not get light until 0800. When it was light enough I biked to Bill's for breakfast. I had 2 scrambled eggs and oatmeal. The oatmeal was really good. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. A lot of runners only had tee shirts and shorts on. I was still layered but I did take my jacket off. I was sweating when I got home. I took a quick shower and got dressed for today's GRMA meeting at 1400.

I headed downtown at 1315. Today we had one of the shortest meetings on record. I think it was over in 15 minutes. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. It was 72⁰. Nancy has book club tonight so I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitale's at 1800 for pizza and beer.

I got home at 2130 and walked Ms P around the block. We watched NCIS and the LA version.

Letter to Mom, March 14, 1961 from Detroit. I told Mom that I had been busy. I went to an engineering meeting in Ann Arbor on Monday and on Wednesday I was going to an Engineering Society of Detroit meeting. Thursday was payday. I was spending Saturday evenings going to movies. The previous Saturday I saw Ben Hur and on the upcoming Saturday I was going to Exodus. It was a short letter and I told Mom I had to get to bed so the New Frontier could keep moving. The New Frontier was President Kennedy's name for his economic stimulus program. Sound familiar?

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