Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday March 12, 2012

Monday morning was same-same as other Mondays except it was raining so I drove the C2. I had my coffee at Breton Village. The WSJ continues to report on Detroit's problems. They also had an article on the suffocating regulations being proposed by the new health plan. As I said last week the feds have too much power.

After lunch I walked Ms P around the block. I spent most of the afternoon reading emails and checking a set of bridge plans. About 1600 we had a break in the weather so I took a 2.5 mile walk. I just checked my itouch and it is warmer in GR than either Cupertino or Long Beach. This winter has been a non-event.

Tonight we will have a light dinner and then spend some time reading and watching TV. We are suppose to get thunderstorms tonight so I am sure that Ms P will go ballistic.

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