Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday March 8, 2012

Ms P and I got up at 0355 and went outside so she could do her bidness. It was raining so Ms P did not dilly dally. I finally got up at 0626 when the alarm went off. Nancy is taking AJ with her to the MAC today. When I finished my at home routine they were gone. I rode my bike today. I did the my tri today and was happy with my time for all 3 events.

I ended up at the Kava House and for the first time this week I had time to read both the WSJ and DFP. I get nervous reading about the middle east. I would like us to get our troops out of the area right now. The Presidential candidates are doing a lot of saber rattling. They should cool it. Let the folks in the area solve their own problems. I also am concerned about all the power (and debt) the federal government has assumed in the last four years. As I have said many times the feds are the most incompetent of the 3 levels of government.

When I got home I ate a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to read my email and pay some medical bills. This afternoon we are taking AJ to a movie. It will be her first. I think the name of the movie is Lorax. Missy comes in tonight and I will pick her up about 2130.

We arrived at the movie on time and bought popcorn for AJ so she could savor her first movie experience. The movie was shown in the big theater at cinemax. We got to share the theater with one other couple. AJ got a little restless in the movie but we stayed to the end. After the movie we went to Russ's for dinner. I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy and AJ and Nancy had burgers.

I was kind of relaxing in my easy chair waiting for 2130. I would then leave to pick up Missy at the airport. Nancy checked her schedule and said she was arriving 1 hour earlier than I expected so I frantically got my things and left for the airport. Missy called when I was about 1 mile away so she did not have to wait too long. We got home at 2100 so I watched "Person of Interest" and then at 2200 headed upstairs.

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