Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday March 2, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0530. It was mild and the morning should be nice but rain and snow are expected for late afternoon and evening. I did all my exercises at home today. Instead of rowing 15' I rowed for 5,000 meters and it took 23'. Our cable box has been acting up so I unhooked it and headed to Comcast to exchange it. Comcast opened at 1000 and I got in line at 0955. There were 9 folks ahead of me. When they opened the gates they said people paying their bills get in one line and folks with technical problems get in another. I was surprised that all the people in front of me were paying their bills. They all paid in cash probably meaning they did not have checking accounts. I was out of Comcast in 10'.

When I got home Kim was busy cleaning the house. I hooked up the TV with little problem. We now have a workable cable box. After the TV work I got on the bike and pedaled around Reeds Lake stopping at the Kava House for coffee and papers. Ms P and I went on a short walk to a neighbor's house to deliver a package. About 1500 Nancy and I headed downtown to the Home Show. We spent two hours walking around the show. I am always impressed with some of the clever developments like stay in place insulated forms for concrete basement walls. I also like all the free standing ornamental block walls. We were looking for a coating that can be applied to ceramic bath tubs or sinks. We want to change the color of the sink and tub in an upstairs bathroom from blue to white. We left the show about 1730.

When we got home Nancy fixed a pizza and I opened a bottle of wine. We watched some TV and I read the e-edition of the GRP. At 2100 we watched a Gifted Man. I understand that the show will be cancelled. After last night's show I can see why.

March 2, 1961, fifty one years ago I was working in Detroit waiting to be drafted or for the Navy to come through. I wrote my mother a letter. I wished her a Happy Birthday, March 4, and said her present was in the mail. I had just gotten paid and said I would be debt free by the end of April. I had just opened a bank account with Public Bank. Life was settling down and I said it took 35 minutes to walk to work. I walked down Jefferson Ave from Belle Isle to downtown Detroit. I fixed my own lunch, two sandwiches, and had TV dinners for dinner. My big problem was getting my laundry done. The laundries were not open when I went to work and closed when I headed home. Saturday night I was going to a movie. In a couple of week I was going to take a bus to Detroit to see my dad's, Uncle John in Detroit. Oh the life of a swinging single!

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