Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday March 3, 2012

We had winter storm warnings up for our area last night. The wind whistled and howled all night. Ms P and I went out at 0430. It was very windy and Ms P did not dilly dally. The alarm went off at 0626 and Nancy got right up. I did not get up until 0715. I was not snowing when I went out so I rode my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs. The west wind was very intense but likely I was going downhill on my west portion of the ride. I took my time reading the WSJ and DPF. As I was getting to leave Bill's I looked out the window and saw it was snowing hard. However, it was above 32⁰ so it was not sticking on the pavement. I did ride to Gaslight Village to use the ATM. When I got home I headed upstairs to read the GRP. The high school basket ball tournaments are starting so the sports page was filled with last night's action. The girl's District's were last night and the boy's start on Tuesday. Both OHHS and AHS girls were eliminated in the first round.

It is a good day to stay inside. Nancy is reading her book and read several chapters of my book before falling asleep. I think I will walk Ms P around the block and then go on a 2.5 mile walk.

Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's for dinner at Pietro's. After dinner we are going over to the Namey's for dessert. We are going to New York City with the Namey's in May. We also trying to figure out how to use our miles for a trip to LA.

March 3, 1938 GGF Sanborn reported that it was 0⁰ and snowing in the morning and 10⁰ the rest of the day in Ossineke, Mi. GGF worked in the post office in the morning and then took GGM to a friendly circle meeting in the afternoon. Life was simple in rural USA in 1938.

Pietro's was jammed we were glad that we had reservations. We had a pleasant evening with the Namey's. It was snowing hard when we left the Namey's at 2115. I reset the alarm so we could have time to shovel before leaving for the MAC.

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