Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday March 11, 2012

I am a little behind on my blog. This blog will cover the weekend of March 11.

Friday March 9: Ms P slept with Missy so I did not have to take her out in the morning. Nancy and I got up at 0626. After my at-home routine I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. Friday is any easy exercise day for me. I read the WSJ and DFP at Breton Village. The City of Detroit has the interest of the WSJ. They have had several articles on their money problems. Gov Snyder does not really want to step in and take over operations. Mayor Bing has about 60 days to make some progress on controlling costs. I wish him well.

When I got home Missy and AJ were taking it easy. Missy is all plugged up. She says it is allergies. I also have a running nose problem but not nearly as bad as Missy. After lunch I took a short nap. About 1630 Nancy and I started getting ready for dinner. We are meeting the Moleski's for dinner. After dinner we are going to the symphony. The Moleski's provided the tickets and we paid for the dinner. I think it is a fair exchange. Dinner and the concert were great. We got home about 2200. We immediately headed upstairs to bed.

Saturday March 10: Nancy got up at 0626 and headed to the MAC for her body pump class. When I got up neither Missy or AJ were stirring so I got on my bike and took a ride around Reeds Lake. When I got home Missy and AJ were up so we got ready to go out to breakfast. Nancy came home in time to join us. We ate at Bill's. It was very crowded and we had to wait a long time for our food.

At 1115 Nancy headed to Gas Light Village to meet some friends for lunch. Missy and AJ left for Ohio about 1230. I put my bike rack on the C2 and headed to GR Bicycle to have the snow tires removed and some minor repairs done. It was a beautiful spring day. I stopped by Bill and Paul's to see if they had their kayaks on display. They did not, they were still trying to sell some ski gear. It has been a bad year for skiing.

I finished the afternoon off with a 2 mile walk. We stayed home and Nancy fixed soup and pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. We headed upstairs early because DST starts tonight. I set about 3 different alarms so we would not over sleep.

Sunday March 11: Ms P and I went outside at 0500 DST. The moon was very bright and all signs said it would be a beautiful day. We got up at 0656 and headed to the MAC. I swam my 1500 yards as did Nancy. After the MAC we followed our normal Sunday routine and headed to Meijer's. Gas was $3.999. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs for my nap. After the nap I walked to the post office. I was over dressed because the temperature was in the low 60s and I had to shed several layers. Nancy is watching the OSU/MSU game. I will join her as soon as I finish this blog. Tonight Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. I love beans and rice. We will watch 60 minutes read the GRP before heading upstairs.

March 11, 1962: Fifty years ago I wrote my mother a letter. I was stationed on Midway Island. I was an Ensign in the Navy's Civil Engineer Corps. On March 11 I was standing the Officer of the Day, OOD, duty. This means I was the Navy Base chief cop. It was a real short letter. I told mom that our department, Public Works, got another shop building. We were happy because we had a serious space problem.

The previous Monday was the Seabee's, CB, birthday. All the CBs on the island (about 300) marched in a parade and I was in charge of building two floats. One float showed the CB's best invention, a beer can opener. It was very popular. I told mom that the weather was beautiful and that last week I received a bad sunburn. I was very happy that starting April 1 I would be getting an additional $50 per month. The Navy paid once a month and in cash. We would stand in line and usually they would give us a shot before paying us. The paymaster had stacks of bills lined up. I had never seen that much cash, especially $2 bills. The Navy had a branch of a Hawaiian bank on the island so I would deposit most of my pay. You did not need much cash on Midway.

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