Friday, March 30, 2012

Thursday March 29, 2012

It got into the 30s last night but it did not freeze. I rode my bike to the MAC today and found out that I cannot change gears. Luckily I was stuck in an easy pedaling gear. At the MAC I did my run and swim. I ended up at the Kava House and read several articles in the WSJ on the debate in the Supreme Court on the health plan. The whole health care law is very confusing. I think everyone should have health insurance but I do not want the Feds to be in charge. I have a strong distrust of the Feds. They are trying to control our lives.

When I got home I had a quick lunch and then put the bike on rack and drove to GR Bike Co. They promised that they would fix my gear problem. I then headed downtown to get my sunglasses from my eye doctor.

Tonight Nancy and I will dine at Great Lakes Shipping. We will read the GRP and at 2100 watch a Person of Interest.

March 29, 1962: Ensign Scott's letter to his mother from Midway Island. I apologized to Mom for not writing sooner. I commented on the weather in MI in March and the alternating freezing and thawing. I thought this was the worst time of year in MI. The weather on Midway was getting warmer and warmer. The coldest day we had this winter was 56⁰. The winter water temperature was 67⁰. The Gooney birds on Midway are getting bigger and bigger.

Today a Dutch destroyer came in to Midway for water and fuel. The destroyer is heading to Indonesia and possible combat. Indonesia use to be a Dutch colony. I did not tell Mother that I was OOD on this day and I went out with the Navy's pilot to board the destroyer and the pilot would direct the destroyer through the reef. The pilot was a Navy Ltjg and a friend of mine. I had never boarded a ship out in the ocean. I swear the swells were 10' tall. The sailors on the Navy's tug held me until the tug was at the top of a wave and then Dutch sailors grabbed me. It was kind of scary. My friend, the pilot, said that the Dutch sailors were the best that he had seen.

When we got the destroyer docked I left and headed to my office. One of the sailors in my division was born in Indonesia and wanted to see the ship. Since I was the OOD I thought we could get a tour. The Dutch OOD was also an Ensign and about my age. He gave us a tour. The US Navy does not allow alcohol on board a ship. The Dutch Navy has no such rule and they had cases of Heineken beer on board.

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