Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday February 29, 2012

This is my first blog for 29Feb. I knew a person born on Feb 29. He served in the Navy with me. In fact I tried to goggle him with no success. It started to rain hard about 0400 this morning and did not stop until 1400. Today is my easy day so I got in the C2 and drove to Bill's for breakfast. I read the WSJ and DFP. I was glad that Romney won MI and AZ last night. I was originally a Huntsman supporter.

After breakfast I ran some errands. I want to buy a pair of clip-on suspenders. I stopped at Al and Bob's a hunting and fishing store and they laughed at me. I then stopped at MC Sports and again had no luck although I did buy a supporter. On my way to Gander Mountain I stopped at the Ford dealership to see if they had any Ranger pickups. They did but they were way out of my price range. Gander Mountain did not have any suspenders.

When I got home I headed upstairs to check my email. I also talked to Missy about our DNA tests and her upcoming visit to GR and LA. I ordered suspenders from LL Bean. The sun came out at 1500 so I strapped on my GPS and went on a walk. I walked 5.11 miles in 1h30' at a pace of 17'34". My pace was great for me but Debbie can walk at a pace of less than 15'. Why am I so slow?

Tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. In the past we watched MSNBC but lately it has become a front for the democratic party. Nancy dislikes Chris Matthews as much as I do. I might go to bed early and watch the last Dragon Tattoo movie. I hope you all got your 30' in today. Think Spring!

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