Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday February 21, 2012

It was 34⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0500. The weather folks said it would be raining all morning so I drove to the MAC. I did the tri today and ended up swimming 800 yards. After the MAC I drove to Breton Village and bought a coffee and read the WSJ. I did not have time for the DFP because I had to get home and have a quick lunch. I had a 1330 eye doctor's appointment.

The eye doctor put all kinds of drops in my eyes. He did a thorough examination of both eyes. I have small cataracts in both eyes but nothing that needs attention. The doc recommended that I continue taking the rosacea pills. Overall my eyes are healthy.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 2 mile walk. My eyes were still blurry so I took a quick nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to a talk by an Albion College geology professor. They are serving light snacks. The event is being held in GR City Commission chambers.

At 1800 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown. I wondered why Albion would hold a meeting in the GR City Hall. Well when we walked into the room who should greet us but the Mayor. Mayor Heartwell is a graduate of Albion. We did have light snacks and then a presentation by the Director of Sustainability and Environmental Department. I still don't know what sustainability is? The Director gave a good talk but he had a handicap in that he was promised a projector for his power point presentation but the City's one projector was being used. Steve would make sure this did not happen in Long Beach. We got home about 2015 in time to see the end of NCIS.

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