Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday February 23, 2012

Ms P and I were surprised when we went out at 0530 to see a light dusting of snow on the ground. I know we are expecting a major storm later today. TV 8's crack weather person said that the roads were icy so I took the car to the MAC. Today is my tri day and I am happy to announce that I set a PB in the 800 yard swim. However, my time in the 1.5 mile run was 15'45". Not exactly stellar. After the MAC I drove to Breton Village for coffee and the papers. The problems we are having in Afghanistan reinforces my idea that we should never have gotten involved. We are spending billions for folks that don't like us. Go figure. I also don't think we should get involved in Syria. I read with interest about how the Mayor of Chicago is closing a troubled school and letting all the teachers go. He is taking a lot of heat from the Teacher's Union but it appears to me he is making the right decision.

I had a quick lunch and then headed to my appointment with my dermatologist, Dr Mary. She shot some bad spots on my arm with liquid nitrogen. She also took her knife and removed a spot to have the lab check it out. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 2 mile walk.

Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. On our way we will stop by Blodgett's Gift Shop to pick up a pair of glasses that Nancy had left. We get a paper edition of the GRP today and I will read that tonight. At 2100 we will watch "Person of Interest". The heavy snow is expected around 1900. At 2200 when Ms P and I went out we had no snow.

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