Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday February 8, 2012

I set the alarm for 0555 and Ms P slept in until 0550. As far as I am concerned that is almost perfect. I got ready for 0700 BC. Nancy was feeling under the weather so she is not going to the MAC today. We had a great turnout at BC. The speaker was the retired director of the GR Public Museum's Planetarium. He gave a power point talk on major discoveries in astronomy from 1880 to 1930. It was very interesting. After BC I stopped at the Kava House to read my morning papers.

We are finally getting some cold weather. My car's thermometer said it was 21⁰. I think we need at least a week of below freezing temperatures to kill all the bugs. I don't know if we will get it. When I got home I read the agenda packet for today's GRBA meeting. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon and I have a 1300 GRBA meeting. Tonight is also book club night so we will both be going out.

I just got a call from the City saying the meeting was cancelled. I decided to take a nap. No FRP today so I read the on-line edition. I like this edition. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's for pizza and beer. I met Tom Moleski at Fred's. We had a pleasant evening. I got home at 1930. Nancy got home at 2000. We headed upstairs at 2030. I continue reading my book on Magellan's round the world trip.

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