Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday February 26, 2012

We all got up at 0700 this morning. When we left for the MAC the sun was shining in our eyes. Today we have 11h 03' of daylight. We have gained 2h 03' since December 21. The pool was crowded this morning but we did not have to share a lane. I swam 1500 yards in 47'. I have seriously been thinking about swimming lessons. Everyone swimming in the next lane is always faster than I am. How come? After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I bought gas and it was $3.64 a gallon. In the year of my birth, 1938, gas was $0.10 per gallon. Of course the average wage was $1750. I also returned 46 bottles for a $4.60 refund. When I was a boy you could return glass bottles for a penny a bottle. I would take my wagon and knock on doors in the neighborhood and ask if they had any pop or beer bottles.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. She also bought some breakfast ham and it was really good. After breakfast I took my Sunday afternoon nap. Nancy had to go to the hospital to check on some items in the gift shop. Nancy seems to have a head for retail sales. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 3.3 mile walk. Today is a beautiful late winter's day. The sidewalks around Reeds Lake were crowded with runners and walkers.

I am sipping a glass of single malt scotch. I am getting hooked on the single malt. Last night I watched a Jason Bourne movie on TV. During commercials I switched to Kelly's Heroes on another network, two of my favorite movies. When I went to bed I watched the sequel to Girl with Dragon Tattoo on my itouch. It is a Swedish movie with English subtitles.

Tonight for dinner we are cleaning out the reefer. After dinner we will watch 60 minutes and probably some of the Oscars.

I checked what Great Grandfather Sanborn was doing this day in 1938. It was a mild day 28-30 in Ossineke, Mi and GGF worked in the post office from 0900 to 1400. He also mentioned a marriage in Ossineke. The bride's first name was Erma. I hope that my blogs can be saved so maybe a great grandchild can get the same pleasure reading them as I get from reading GGF Sanborn's.

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