Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday February 15, 2012

Ms P could not make it past 0400 this morning. However, I did not mind because today is my easy day. I slept in until 0800. Nancy has a 1000 Dr's appointment to have her cold checked out. I got in the C2 and drove to Bill's for their pancake special.

When I got home I decided to run some errand so I got Ms P and headed out. Our first stop was the Lightning Center where I bought some light bulbs. Are the new curly lights really bulbs? Our next stop was the pet store on 29th Street. I put the leash on Ms P and headed to the store. I bought Ms P a harness. I think she might like a harness better than a neck collar. When I got back to the car I could not find my keys. Yes folks I locked them in the car. Luckily, I had a spare taped under the tow bar. It took some doing to get the key out but I finally managed. I got the car started and drove to Gazelle Sports, a distance about 100'. Gazelle is having a sale. I did not find anything that I liked.

When I got home I headed upstairs to check my email and read the GRP's e-edition. About 1330 the sun came out so I went on a 90 minute walk. The temperature was in the low 40s. This has been one mild winter. I feel sorry for folks who like winter sports. I walked by Reeds Lake and noted several guys ice fishing. I would not go out on lake ice.

Nancy said that in addition to her cold she has a sinus infection. The doctor gave her a prescription. I hope it works. Not much on TV tonight so I will spend more time reading the Magellan book.

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