Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday February 6, 2012

Monday and I am catching up on my blogs. We left Friday morning for Lakewood, OH to see Missy and AJ. We left about 0800 and bought bagels and coffee to take on our ride. It was a great day to travel. The roads were dry and not very crowded. We made good time. We made only one stop and that was the first service plaza on the OH Turnpike. We made the 300 miles in 4.5 hours. Missy and AJ had just gotten home from AJ's dentist appointment when we pulled into the driveway. Missy had everything under control so I had no projects to do. I did the next best thing I took a nap. Since Missy might be moving soon I wanted to go to one of the small bars on Detroit and have their Friday fish fry. We ate at the Rush Inn and it was a very enjoyable experience. I will miss all the great local bars along Detroit Street.

On Saturday morning I got up about 0730 and walked to the Caribou Coffee Shop for my morning coffee and newspaper. The last time I walked across the Rocky River in February the river was loaded with men ice fishing. On Saturday there was no ice in the river. On my way home Nancy called and told me that we had some errands to run. When I got to Missy's we grabbed AJ and headed to Costco to get AJ's birthday cake. It was not ready so we headed home. AJ's party was starting at 1400 and Missy had the house looking good. At 1300 I got in the Taurus and headed back to Costco to get the cake. It was ready and really looked good. At 1400 the guests started arriving. AJ really enjoyed her party. The cake and pizza were really a hit. Missy also had beer and wine for the parents. At 1600 the clown arrived and he entertained the kids by making balloon animals and doing magic tricks. The last guest left about 1700. It was a great party. Everyone was tired from the party so we spent a quiet evening at home.

Sunday, Nancy and I left for GR about 0800. We did make a stop at a suppliers show in Livonia so Nancy could look over the merchandise to see if she wanted to purchase any item for the gift shop. I forgot to mentioned that we brought Ms P home with us. She was kind of feeling sorry for herself so she just slept in the back seat. We got home about 1500 and after unpacking I went on a 2.5 mile walk. I did watch the entire Super Bowl. I headed upstairs after the game ended.

Monday morning and I have to get back in the Ms P morning duties. She wanted out at 0530 and of course I complied. I went back to bed and got back up at 0630. I got on the bike and headed to the MAC at 0845. Like most Mondays I shaved my head after the workout. I then headed to the Kava House. The roads were clear and dry. Monday afternoon I got in the C2 and ran several errands. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. No printed GRP today so I loaded the e-version on Nancy's ipad. I also loaded it on my computer. The e-edition is really quite good. I fell asleep reading about Magellan's around the world trip.

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