Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday Februry 20, 2012

Ms P is getting better and better about sleeping in. Today she got up at 0500. We went outside so Ms P could do her bidness. Then it was back to bed until 0626. Today is President's Day. Did you know that we did not have an official President's Day when I was a boy. In 1971 President's Day was made an official Monday Federal holiday. Congress also changed Memorial Day to a Monday. I think one other holiday was also moved to a Monday.

It was bright and sunny and 19⁰ when I left for the MAC. The temperature was in the high 30s at noon. My knee has been bothering me lately so I could not do any dead lifts today. Actually, I was glad because I hate any type of weight lifting. After the MAC I headed to Macatawa Bank but when I noticed no cars in the lot I realized that being a Federal Holiday the banks are closed. The stock market is also closed so the WSJ was not printed. I only had the DFP to read at the Kava House. The DFP is pushing to have the Wayne County Executive resign because of all the corruption in his office.

This afternoon I spent some time on the computer. I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 1.5 mile walk. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. I earlier had read the e-edition of the GRP on line. We watched House and then headed to bed.

I forgot to mention that Missy had called and said she had a job interview in LA on Monday and would we take care of AJ. Of course we said we would.

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