Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday February 22, 2012

Today is George Washington's birthday. According to a recent Time article George Washington in 2012 dollars would be the 2nd richest president. John Kennedy would be the richest by far. Ms P and I got up with the 0555 alarm. Today is Breakfast Club so I had to get up early. The temperatures are still very mild for this time of year. It was 34 when I headed to BC. We did not have a big turnout at today's meeting. The speaker today was an attorney who has a part time job as director of the GR Black Chamber of Commerce. His name is Pat Miles. He was a classmate of President Obama at Harvard. He was also a classmate of Debbie at OHHS. Mr Miles gave a good short talk. I got home at 0830. I walked Ms P around the block and then walked to the Kava House.

The WSJ had a good article on details in the President's new tax cut for business. When you include all the details the tax cut is not really at tax cut. What would you expect from and anti-business President. The DFP had an interesting article on the Highland Park School district. It appears the district cannot not meet next month's payroll. The Gov has appointed an Emergency Financial Manager but the court has ruled he cannot take over. Most Democrats don't like the EFM because he has the power to change union contracts. I think the State should just let Highland Park go broke. Stay tuned. After the Kava House I took a 3 mile walk.

I walked by St Stephen's and noticed that the parking lot was packed. I forgot that today is Ash Wednesday.

I had a light lunch because the breakfast was really big. I had eggs, pancakes, and link sausage. For lunch I had an apple and peanuts. I did take a 30 minute nap. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. After the nap Ms P and I got in the car and ran some errands. I stopped at Meijer's to get my prescription. We then stopped at Kentwood Cycle. I am looking for a basket to carry Ms P on the bike. They did not have anything I liked. I have spring fever so I stopped at Bill and Paul's to see if they have any kayaks on display. I was two weeks early. I don't think their ski sales have been brisk this mild winter. When leaving I noticed a new store getting ready for occupancy. The sign said Grand Rapids Bicycle Company. I bought my AT at GRBC. The folks inside said the company has been sold and they are moving to this location. They also are keeping their mechanic Eric. I like Eric because he knows what I want.

We are having a light dinner tonight and then I will read the GRP's e-edition. Not much on TV so I will get to bed early so I can continue reading my book on Magellan's trip around the world. He has just passed through the Straits of Magellan.

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