Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday February 7, 2012

I have got to get Ms P on a schedule. She got up at 0430 and outside we went. I must have been tired because I slept in until 0700. It was another gray (grey?) day but the temperature was above 32. I rode the bike to the MAC. I did my tri today. I am working on my breathing when doing the freestyle. I try breathing every third stroke. Today I had no problem. I think it is about time because I have practicing about 5 years. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several articles I found interesting. The first was about the situation in Syria. Russia's involvement is interesting. If the Syrian government is defeated Russia could take a PR hit. An Editorial in the WSJ highlighted some items the Republicans could use when they talk about the failures of the current administration. I am surprised they are not currently being used.

I did not get home until 1300. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to work. You may call it goofing around but I call it work. The temperature might be above freezing but I still get cold riding the bike. I turned on my electric blanket and took a short nap. I warmed up.

I am now listening to a CD I bought in Scotland. The CD contains Scottish folk tunes. It really lifts my spirits. Nancy is fixing soup and sandwiches for dinner tonight. On Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday we get a paper edition of the GRP. I will read the GRP and at 2000 I will watch NCIS. I might take Ms P on a walk around the block. She seems to have perked up today. A good walk might get her to sleep until 0530. I will try to get to bed early because tomorrow I have Breakfast Club and at 1300 a GRBA meeting. Tomorrow night is Nancy's Book Club so I am going out for pizza and beer. I would like to read at least a chapter on the Magellan book. My Kindle is loaded with books I want to read. You would think a retired guy could find the time. I did get my 30 in today, did you?

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