Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday February 13, 2012

Ms P got up at 0400 this morning. Because I also had to get up we went outside. It was a cold clear morning. The past week the moon has been very bright. I went back to bed and got up at 0626. Nancy says she is feeling a little better this morning. She has a hospital board meeting this morning so she is not going to the MAC. It was cold this morning and the roads are not completely clear so I decided to drive to the MAC. The MAC was crowded and I was surprised that a tennis tournament was going on. It was a 10 and under tournament. Shouldn't the kids be in school? I spent a short time watching a match between 2 young girls and I was amazed at how good they were.

My time for the mile keeps getting slower. Today my time was 10'40". A year ago it was 10' and 10 years ago it was 8'. Pretty soon my running time will equal by best walking time of 15'. Yesterday was my 1200th blog. Last night we spent some face time with Steve and Lucas. I think that soccer has finally caught on. My Grandson would rather have a tee shirt with an English league soccer star's name on the back than almost any other sport. He is also into maps. Steve has downloaded a map's app for his ipad. I love facetime.

I did go on a walk in the afternoon. I also dragged Ms P around the block. I started doing our yearend financial statement. It looks like we might take a hit for the year. After dinner and the news I came upstairs and read the GRP online. We watched "House" and then at 2100 headed to bed.

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