Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday February 10, 2012

Today I have lunch with Jennifer Dougherty in Lowell so I drove my C2 to the MAC. I hurried through my routine and then headed to Breton Village. I read the WSJ and DFP and also talked to Mr C an old Ottawa Elementary teacher who had all the kids. He said that he attended last week the birthday party for Dave Huyser's father. Dave Huyser was another Ottawa Elementary teacher. Dave's dad was 94 and still going strong. Another role model.

It was snowing when I left Breton Village. I arrived at Keiser's Restaurant in Lowell right on time, 1230. We had a good lunch and I gave Jennifer my thoughts on a difficult project she is working on. When I left the snow was starting to stick. I got home and started shoveling. Ms P came outside and she really likes playing in the snow. I almost threw my shoulder out throwing the ball. I think the snow was 3" deep. After the walks wear clear we came inside and I had to remove all the snow balls from Ms P's legs. I also took a towel and dried her off. Nancy was working at the gift shop this afternoon.

When Nancy got home we decided to go to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I shoveled the walk again before we left. It was snowing hard during the dinner hour but GLS was crowded. If you live in Mi you cannot let snow get in the way of your social activities.

We watched some TV and I read the GRP on Nancy's ipad. I took Ms P out before going to bed and gave the walks a final shovel. It was good to have a typical February day.

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