Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday February 11, 2012

I think it quit snowing about 1100 last night. Ms P and I got up at 0515 and went outside. The EGR plows had been through so I grabbed the shovel and cleared the drive. It was really cold, about 7⁰ so Ms P did not want to help me shovel. I let her in and then finished shoveling the walks and drive. I was awake so I walked to Wolfgang's for breakfast. I had pancakes and eggs. Pancakes and eggs were what my Grandfather Scott always served in his logging camps. When I stepped outside of Wolfgang's the sun was shining bright. I walked home in sunshine and crisp white snow. I decided that I must spend more time outside so I walked to Gas Light Village to do some banking.

It was in single digits but I was surprised at the number of folks who were outside either shoveling or walking. It was a great morning for walking. I did take a short nap this afternoon. It is now 1515 and as soon as I finish this blog I am going to walk Ms P around the block.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to dinner at the Namey's. The Moleski's and Tim Mask will also be there. The Namey's were great hosts and we had a great. Nancy is having a rough time shaking her cold so she went directly to bed as soon as we got home.

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