Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday February 27, 2012

We all got up at 0615 this morning. The mild weather continues the temperature was 37⁰ at 0630. When I got on my bike to head to the MAC I needed sunglasses. I have a busy Monday at the MAC. It took me a least 20 minutes to shave my head and face. I had not shaved my face since last Tuesday and Nancy asked if I was growing a beard. I don't think I will ever let my head or facial hair grow long. Long hair and beards on short old folks always look unkempt.

When I walked out of the MAC I was hit with a strong cold wind. I had to ride into the wind so I stopped at Breton Village to get my coffee. Neither the WSJ or DFP had any articles that I would like to comment on. Our phone at home has been ringing all day and night. I will be glad when the primary election is over tomorrow. I have already voted. This afternoon I read several chapters on Magellan's voyage around the world. He is now in Guam. I was in Guam in 1963.

Not much on TV but I did watch parts of the Daytona Race. I headed to bed at 2100. I finished watching the 2nd movie in the Dragon Tattoo series. I like lying in bed and watching movies on my itouch.

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