Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday February 18, 2012

Ms P like clockwork wanted out at 0500. I went back to bed and slept in until 0730. I was thinking of walking downtown to the Boat Show but because the sun was out I rode my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs and then rode around Reeds Lake.

Tonight is our dinner party starting at 1800. We are having the Masten's and Hartman's over for dinner. I did some of my cleaning chores and then Nancy and I took Ms P downstairs and gave her a bath. It took two people to hold Ms P. She does look nice.

Nancy has everything under control. I just walked Ms P around the block for the second time today so she should be ok for tonight. Stay tuned.

The guests arrived exactly at 1800. We started with wine/beer and snacks. Nancy fixed a pork loin as the main dish along with fresh veggies and a salad. For dessert we had ice cream with a great covering. We had coffee in the living room and spent an enjoyable evening just talking. Ms P was on her good behavior. The guests left at 2140. Nancy and I cleaned up and then I watched the last minute of the OSU/UM game. That is all I needed. UM won.

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