Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday February 17, 2012

We finally have a morning with temperatures below freezing. It was cold and clear at 0500. The sun was out when I headed to the MAC on my bike. After the MAC I spent time at Breton Village drinking coffee and reading the papers. I left BV at 1200. On my way home my cell goes off so I stop, unzip two layers, take off my helmet and find out the call went to VM. Bummer!

At home I checked the VM and found out it was from Eric. Eric wanted to know a standard practice in 2002. I told him. Nancy and I got in the Taurus with Ms P and headed to the Cascade Meijer's. After Meijer's we headed to Costco. Costco had a lot of free sample stations open so I had a free lunch. We came home after Costco and both Nancy and Bob took a nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Russ's. Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup and I had a hot turkey sandwich. At home we got the good dishes down for tomorrow night. When I finish this blog I will read the e-edition of the GRP and then watch some TV.

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