Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday November 30, 2011

Breakfast club today and I get up at 0545. I was surprised but we had no snow last night. Todays speaker was from the MSU Med School. He spoke on their research efforts to understand and treat Parkinson's disease. It was very interesting. They are using adult stem cells for some treatment. It is promising. I read that they are also experimenting using stem cells to treat Type I diabetes.

After breakfast I head to the Kava House to read the papers. The WSJ wrote another article on how the USA is exporting petro products. I find this encouraging.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 5 mile walk. It is a beautiful day. Cool but we have sun and a blue sky. Tonight we are having cereal and then will watch a little TV and read the GRP. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

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