Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday November 10, 2011

It was really cold when I started out to the MAC. In fact I encountered some sleet. My Thursday routine was again the row, swim, and run bit. Can I include my 7.3 mile bike ride (home to mac, mac to Kava, Kava to home)as part of my aero for the day? While at the MAC it started snowing but when I left the snow had stopped. Instead of the Kava HOuse I bought a coffee at Breton Village and drank it and read my papers in their open area. They have some comfortable chairs. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to continue my plan review. I even used my ACAD program to draw up some sections. I was happy that I still remember how to use the program. At 1530 I took Ms P to the Vet for a physical and her annual shots. The Vet said she was healthy. For dinner tonight we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. Lately, I have been drinking Sam Adam's Octoberfest beer. It is very tasty. We did not get a paper tonight. The delivery folks must have had a breakdown. So I watched TV. We like a Person of Interest. About 2000 Ms P started shaking. She also was very lethargic. We assumed it was a reaction to her afternoon shot. I had to carry her upstairs. It was snowing when I went to bed.

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