Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday November 16, 2011

This morning I had Breakfast Club. The alarm goes off at 0555 and I immediately hit the snooze. I finally got up at 0615. I had to hustle because BC starts at 0700. I walked in the Women's Civic at exactly 0700. The meeting was lightly attended. Maybe members were deer hunting. Today's speaker was the director of an organization that tries to get folks to buy locally. She was a good speaker and the program has had some success. After BC I stopped at the Kava House to read the papers. I had a small coffee and because I was parked at a hour parking meter I did not get to finish the papers. When I got home I headed upstairs and did some preparation for a meeting 1330 between the OHNA street light committee and the City of GR. I rode to the meeting with Tom Deur a neighbor. All five committee members were in attendance. It was a good meeting and tomorrow night we will present a report to the general membership at our annual meeting. Rick DeVries was just coming out of the meeting room as we were going in. Rick was the first engineer I hired in 1978. He is a great guy and very good engineer. Rick is now the Assistant City Engineer. After the meeting I checked my email and then went on a 3 mile walk. It was very windy and cold and I got chilled. When I got home I turned on my electric blanket and took a 30 minute nap. I was nice and warm when I got up. Tonight I had several bowls of a special oatmeal that Nancy made on Monday. We found this oatmeal on our Spring trip to Scotland. Two day old oatmeal is better than day old oatmeal. It is now 2050 and as soon as I finish the blog I am going downstairs to watch TV with Nancy. Tonight Missy skyped us and we talked with Missy and AJ. Missy is thinking of moving back to LA. Stay tuned. I did get my 30 minutes in today. Remember it is very important to get outside for 30 during the cold winter months. My Grandfather strongly believed in getting outside. He also believed that every day you should work up a barn yard sweat.

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