Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14, 2011

The weather has been very mild for the past two days. Ms P and I went out at 0550. I did not see the skunk. I got to the MAC by 0745 today. Mondays are my busy day but I was done and on my way to the Kava House by 1015. Some day I will understand credit default swaps or whatever they are called. On the political front I am a Huntsman supporter. I like his answers he gave during Saturday's debate. Mitt turned me off with his saber rattling. I got home at 1230. After a quick lunch I headed outside to pick up some leaves. The wind on Sunday dropped a lot of leaves. I fired up the mower and picked up the front yard. Ms P was outside with me and I had to spend a lot of time throwing the ball. After completing my yard work I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped my Macatawa Bank to rent a safe deposit box. I wanted all 5 family members to have access to the box so I have to get the kids to sign several documents. I took a short nap and then sent some emails to OHNA members who will be attending the Wednesday street light meeting. Nancy had a Board Meeting this morning so she did not go to the MAC. She did, however, stop by Kohl's and bought me a new pair of bedroom slippers. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then read the GRP and watch some TV. Starting in Jan we will not have a GRP delivered on M/W/F/S. We will have to read the GRP online. Friday I was looking for some evidence that I was in the Navy and I came across some old letters that I wrote my mother. In fact I think Mom saved all the letters I wrote while in the Navy. I found a letter I wrote 50 years ago today. I was attending the Civil Engineer's Corp school in Pt. Hueneme, CA. I told Mom that on Friday, Veterans Day, I attended Disneyland with 4 classmates. Veterans in uniform got in free. On Saturday I worked at an Air Show at Pt Mugu Naval Air Station. I saw the Blue Angels. I had been assigned my first duty station, Midway Island Naval Station, and told Mom I was getting ready. I thought I would leave from San Franciso for Midway with a stop in Pearl Harbor to change planes. The estimated departure date was 22NOV61. I asked Mom if she would send me my swim suit and other warm weather gear to Midway. My Christmas list included a pair of khaki pants, size 30. Yes size 30! I asked if it had snowed in Alpena yet. I thought it would be over a year before I saw any snow. Mom loved to play bridge so I asked about her game. I also asked if Dad was ready for the start of deer season which starts tomorrow. I told her that it has not rained in CA since I have been there, Oct. I also asked what Dad wanted for Christmas. I gave Mom my new address: Ensign R. H. Scott Public Works Dept U.S. Naval Station, Midway Navy No. 3080 FPO San Francisco, CA I was excited about starting my Naval career and looked forward to actually working instead of going to school. The letter was written in pencil and I did not find any errors in grammar. But how would I know? I closed the letter Love bobby

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